Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Der ultimative Elvis Song 1965 1. Halbfinale

20.02.2006, 11:10
Ihr habt eine Stimme. Der Song mit den meisten Stimmen steht im Finale des ultimativen Elvis Song 1965:hurra:

20.02.2006, 11:15
...........Memphis Tennessee:top: .

20.02.2006, 11:16
...........Memphis Tennessee:top: .

........sind wir uns einig :grins::-)

20.02.2006, 11:18
........sind wir uns einig :grins::-)
..sehr gut !!:top:

20.02.2006, 11:19
Gratulation zum 8000 :hurra::hurra: :top: :brav::brav:

20.02.2006, 11:21
Gratulation zum 8000 :hurra::hurra: :top: :brav::brav:

...ups, dass habe ich nicht mal bemerkt !!:eek: ...danke mein freund !!;-)

20.02.2006, 12:33
...........Memphis Tennessee:top: .

Habe ich auch genommen!!!:-)

20.02.2006, 17:35
ein unglaublicher siegesmarsch von "Memphis Tennessee" :grins:
und thetifcat wollte uns den song vorenthalten:lol: :ditsch: :witz:

20.02.2006, 17:35
Beide sind typisch Elvis 65, aber ich nahm I Feel... das war noch typischer.

So sang Elvis nur 1965.

20.02.2006, 17:48
ein unglaublicher siegesmarsch von "Memphis Tennessee" :grins:
und thetifcat wollte uns den song vorenthalten:lol: :ditsch: :witz:

HEYYYYY! Viel mir doch noch auf oder ?

Und durch das Massen Stechen ist er ja auch noch wunderbar durch alle Threads gewählt worden :grins: :-)

20.02.2006, 19:08
"Memphis Tennessee"

20.02.2006, 19:12
Was wohl, Memphizzzzzz Tennessee!!!!

* Memphiz Tennessee
(Chuck Berry)

Long distance information give me Memphiz, Tennessee
Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me
She could not leave her number but I know who placed the call
My uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wall

Help me information to get in touch with my Marie
She's the only one who'd phone me here from Memphiz, Tennessee
Her home is on the southside, high upon a ridge
Just a half a mile from the Mississippi bridge

Help me information more than that I cannot add
Only that I miss her and all the fun we had
But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree
Tore apart our happy home in Memphiz, Tennessee

The last time I saw Marie she was waving me goodbye
With hurry home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye
Marie is only six years old, Information please
Try to put me through to her in Memphiz, Tennessee

:grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins:

20.02.2006, 20:44
Was wohl, Memphizzzzzz Tennessee!!!!

* Memphiz Tennessee
(Chuck Berry)

Long distance information give me Memphiz, Tennessee
Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me
She could not leave her number but I know who placed the call
My uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wall

Help me information to get in touch with my Marie
She's the only one who'd phone me here from Memphiz, Tennessee
Her home is on the southside, high upon a ridge
Just a half a mile from the Mississippi bridge

Help me information more than that I cannot add
Only that I miss her and all the fun we had
But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree
Tore apart our happy home in Memphiz, Tennessee

The last time I saw Marie she was waving me goodbye
With hurry home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye
Marie is only six years old, Information please
Try to put me through to her in Memphiz, Tennessee

:grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins: :grins:

DU sagst es... Du sagst es :top:

20.02.2006, 20:57
Memphis Tennessee :top: :cool:

20.02.2006, 21:55
........sind wir uns einig :grins::-)

Sind wir...:top:

21.02.2006, 12:29
Memphis Tennessee

26.02.2006, 16:37
...........Memphis Tennessee:top: .

Geht gnadenlos in das FINALE.

Hammer ausgrechnet der Song den ich beinahe vergessen hatte :roll: :-)