'Turning Point In History'

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    • 11.01.2005
    • 4957

    'Turning Point In History'

    American Studios - A Turning Point In History': Elvis' pivotal recordings at American Studios in January and February 1969 were a key turning point, not just in Elvis' amazing legacy but also in music history. Extraordinarily the 40th anniversary of Elvis' American Studios sessions has essentially passed without so much as a whimper. There is no sign marking the site where these landmark sessions took place. There has also been no media focus commemorating the string of hits generated from Elvis’ all too brief Memphis convergence with legendary producer Lincoln Wayne "Chips" Moman and the talented musicians assembled in his studio. EPE has not even acknowledged the recording or release dates of these chart topping songs. EIN recently noted the 40th Anniversary of the first chart topping song from these sessions 'In The Ghetto' and now EIN contributor Pamela Mays Decker turns a much-needed spotlight onto these unique Memphis sessions.
    Click here for this fascinating spotlight.
  • gast-20111607

    Sehr interessanter Link, ein gefundenes Fressen für jeden Anhänger der legendären ASS 1969 Sessions!


    • burroughs

      • 09.02.2004
      • 56251

      Elvis' pivotal recordings at American Studios in January and February 1969 were a key turning point, not just in Elvis' amazing legacy but also in music history.

      kann das mal bitte jemand musikhistorisch belegen?
      (nein, rev, du nicht..)

