Elvis' Medical Bible - PDR '77

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  • gast-20090821

    Elvis' Medical Bible - PDR '77

    a page from the PDR - Elvis' Pharmaceutical Bible
    Demerol (Merperide): a severe painkiller, comparable with Morphine.

    Elvis started using Demerol in the early 60's (tablets) and switched more and more to liquid Demerol (injections) since the summer of 1973.

    It's interesting so see that Elvis hightlighted the following words (in bold): see attached picture - left side of the text:

    Meperidine is significantly less effective by the oral than by the parenteral route
    So if Elvis thought that oral intake (syrup and tablets) was less effective, this pretty much confirms why he changed from tablets to injections (parenteral).

    Also it is interesting to see that Elvis was concerned about the dosage when Demerol was used with other Drugs: right side of the text:

    Interaction with Other Central Nervous System Depressants.
    Merperide should be used with great caution and in reduced dosage in patients who are concurrently receiving other narcotic analgesics, general anesthetics, phenothiazines, other tranquelizers, sedative hypnotics ...
    But if you read the last paragraph Intravenous Use, you can read that rapid intravenous injections of Demerol are very dangerous (even leading to cardiac arrest) and that the patient must lay down. And that it should not be injected if no narcotic antagonist and fascilities for controlled respiration are available.

    So, how on earth could Dr. Shapiro prescribe bottles of liquid Demerol knowing that the injection of Demerol should be monitored in a clinical setting ?
    And how is it possible that non medical trained amateurs like Ricky, David (Stanley) - even Linda would inject him (Revelations of the Memphis Maffia). It seems we must take some of these stories with a grain of salt.

    It's all too easy to say that Elvis knew the pharmaceutical bible (PDR) well enough to get want he want, because some medicines (like liquid Demerol) should not have been presribed for unmonitored use. Besides, if Elvis was clearly given easy access to heavy prescribed drugs, it is only logical that Elvis must have underestimated the riscs of the prescribed drugs he was taking. In fact when Elvis highlighted the word "reduced dosage" in combination with other drugs (right side of the page), Elvis was getting concerned of how his bloated body was reacting to all the medicine he was taking. And he had all rights to be concerned, he did not look healthy at all....

    Elvis took his last Demerol at 09.00 AM at Aug 16th, and according to the Toxicological Analysis it was only found in his body in very reduced dosage, so perhaps Elvis was really concerned about the dosages he was taking in combination with other drugs.

    Unfortunately his possible concern for reduced dosage of Demerol was too late.
    Elvis died a few hours later.

    But, there is also some "positive" news for the fan who is getting tired of all these people who think that Elvis was a street junkie or died of taking too much hard drugs. We should not deny that Elvis was addicted to many types of prescribed drugs for many years, actually from his Army time, but some published conclusions about Elvis says more about the ever sensation seeking reporter then his intelligence, though it hurt Elvis image real badly especially when the book "Elvis, What Happened" was just released.

    But the real truth is that according to the final toxicological report from the the Bio - Science Laboratories in LA, Elvis did not die because of too many hard drugs. No, his death was caused by polypharmacy using a fatal combination of Codeine / Placidyl and Amital.

    Now what do these drugs mean:

    Codeine: Narcotic Analgesic / pain releaver -> freely available in many countries (especially in combination with Paracetamol).
    Placidyl: Depressant -> drug (sleeping pill) of choice for treatment of insomnia.
    Amital: another sleeping pill (a bit heavier than Placidyl) for treatment of insomia

    So, Elvis did no die of the use of heavy painkillers or street drugs, but from the use of regular prescribed drugs : 2 different sleeping pills in combination with Codeine.

    Only the level of Codeine found in his blood / serum was at toxic level. However the use of Codeine seems like a tragic incident, but that is a different story.

    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 20.05.2009, 22:07
  • marquardt72

    • 19.08.2006
    • 5712

    Wenn das der Revi liest!


    • TheKing

      • 19.06.2006
      • 20783

      You have a good hand for the hot topics, Cat! This Book I have never seen. I think Elvis habbit with the prescribed drugs is one hell of a topic..it very interesting and we had many times real hard trouble here between the Elvisfans who deny that he had a drug problem at all ( they say Elvis only did take medication that was needed due to his illnesses ) these are the people who think, that Elvis did always everthing right.

      And others that have read and seen, that Elvis liked the effect from Uppers and Downers and took these pills for the effect, because he liked it. Long time it didn`t went out as a problem...he did good with it...but then something seems to have changed he started overdoing it..and nobody could stop him from it. It seemed to change inbetween a little back and forth...he recovered a little and then did it worse then ever...that is also something I did think about many, many hours and I wondered why he would do it...and to me this isn`t clear at all...
      Ohne Worte!


      • gast-20110818


        Heute schon der 2. Volltreffer von E-cat.


        • TheKing

          • 19.06.2006
          • 20783

          Jetzt fehlt nur noch: Elvis hat den Rock`n Roll nur widerwillig gemacht!
          Ohne Worte!


          • gast-20100118

            und natürlich hatte er was mit seiner Mutter


            • TheKing

              • 19.06.2006
              • 20783

              Zitat von Rev.Gerhard
              und natürlich hatte er was mit seiner Mutter
              Da haben wir den Salat! Now we have the salad!
              Ohne Worte!


              • gast-20090821

                Zitat von TheKing
                ..but then something seems to have changed he started overdoing it..and nobody could stop him from it. It seemed to change inbetween a little back and forth...he recovered a little and then did it worse then ever...that is also something I did think about many, many hours and I wondered why he would do it...and to me this isn`t clear at all...
                Yes that is true, he really changed in June 1973, he lost control..and sometimes he would look so cool while days later he would act real strange. That was partly due to his medication. Remember his slurred speeches on stage...as you know he took quite some downers to get some sleep (like qualude) but in the process of his afternoon wake up, he took uppers and severe pain medication of which some increased the effects of the downers he took..quite a vicious circle...


                • gast-20100118

                  so what could we take as dressing?

                  was ziehen wir an?


                  • TheKing

                    • 19.06.2006
                    • 20783

                    Zitat von E-cat
                    Yes that is true, he really changed in June 1973, he lost control..and sometimes he would look so cool while days later he would act real strange. That was partly due to his medication. Remember his slurred speeches on stage...as you know he took quite some downers to get some sleep (like qualude) but in the process of his afternoon wake up, he took uppers and severe pain medication of which some increased the effects of the downers he took..quite a vicious circle...
                    Yes..but I have learned in my life that it needs reasons for a parson to fall into adiction. Noone comes out that strongly addicted -to whatever- when everything around him mis allright. So one of my deepest Elvis Questions is: "Why did he do that?" And People don`t had a answer to that. I asked Sonny and he couldn`´t answer it. Elvis escaped into medics. What from? Sometimes I find little things in all the books and stuff, that give me a hint. But I don`t have a real picture how he must have felt. The private person Elvis seems to be unsharp unclear...or do you found out for yourself, what the problems where?
                    Ohne Worte!


                    • gast-20100118

                      Zitat von TheKing
                      Elvis escaped into medics. What from?
                      You should not forget, that he always ultra asked, "why me?" and didn't get the answer.


                      • TheKing

                        • 19.06.2006
                        • 20783

                        To me the Elvis-Story seems to be that from his absolut climax in 1970 he slowly began to slide down from the top of the world...
                        Ohne Worte!


                        • gast-20100118

                          Oh. I've read it quite similar at Guralnick.


                          • gast-20100121

                            Very impressing story, E-Cat, you 've been weaving. Out of five underlined words in Elvis' PDR. Astonishing what a few words may say!


                            • gast-20110818

                              Zitat von E-cat
                              Elvis started using Demerol in the early 60's (tablets) and switched more and more to liquid Demerol (injections) since the summer of 1973.
                              Since the early 60's? That's new for me. Interesting.

