Aaron spelling

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    • 11.01.2005
    • 4958

    Aaron spelling

    Conventional wisdom in the world of Elvis-is-Alive theorizing tells us that Elvis spelled his middle name "Aron" throughout his life, and that Vernon Presley just pulled the double-A spelling ("Aaron") out of thin air when Elvis died and he used that spelling on the grave marker. So, all these years, the suspicion by those who are suspicious of such things is that the double-A spelling is a sign that Elvis is not buried there, or that Elvis didn't die...since Elvis supposedly never used the double-A spelling.


    Recently, I came across two Warranty Deed documents, one from July 19, 1973, and the other from August 12, 1977...and both feature the double-A spelling of Elvis's middle name. Elvis did not sign either document, and Vernon signed only the 1977 document. However, Vernon signed a document that included the double-A spelling, and this is important. As Elvis's attorney-in-fact, Vernon signed for Elvis on many legal documents, and in signing this document Vernon validated the spelling of the name as "Aaron." That is, by signing the document with the double-A spelling, he had to have known that the spelling was valid, and the only way he could have known the spelling was valid is if Elvis had told him that "Aaron" could be used in place of "Aron." This lends support to Marty Lacker's claim that Elvis instructed his father to use the "Aaron" spelling starting sometime around 1966. Obviously, by signing his name to this document, Vernon was not concerned by the double-A spelling.

    NOTE: Elvis granted his father Power of Attorney ("attorney-in-fact") on February 6, 1968, and then confirmed the continuation of this designation on February 23, 1977.

    And, assuming these documents, and other legal documents from that time period, were later reviewed by Elvis's attorneys, we can safely assume that no one else objected to the use of the name "Aaron," either.

    So, Vernon did NOT misspell the name as the "alivers" have alleged for so many years, and because the double-A spelling was used in an official capacity (i.e., legal documents) prior to August 16, 1977, the name was not just pulled out of a hat when Vernon was ordering the grave marker. We have the double-A spelling used on a document signed by Vernon just 4 days prior to Elvis's death, so Vernon had recognized the name "Aaron" before Elvis died.

    And, lest we forget, the name "Aaron" also appears on a legal document as early as July 19, 1973, and certainly this document was read and reviewed for accuracy by Elvis's attorneys.

    Vernon Presley's use of "Aaron" on the grave marker, then, is perfectly justified and is supported by at least two previous examples of the use of the double-A spelling
  • Marty

    ich dachte gerade, es handelt sich um "aaron spelling"


    • gast-20103001

      [QUOTE=Marty;740592]ich dachte gerade, es handelt sich um "aaron spelling"

      Nicht nur du, zumindest auf den ersten Blick.


      • Sivle
        Gehört zum Inventar

        • 27.07.2003
        • 2594

        Gut, dass das mal geklärt ist.

        Aber ich denke mal, dass Vernon nicht so sehr darauf achtete, wie A(a)ron auf den Dokumenten geschrieben war. Er hat wahrscheinlich ohne großes Zögern wesentlich mehr Dokumente mit dem "einfachen" Aron unterschrieben. Nur die Tatsache, dass es von Vernon unterschriebene Dokumente gibt, auf denen der Doppel-A Aaron stand, muss nicht zwingend beweisen, dass Elvis ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt auf diese Schreibweise bestand.


        • MARIE
          Gehört zum Inventar

          • 11.01.2005
          • 4958

          The spelling of "Aaron": Following our story yesterday about documents uncovered by Elvis researcher, Patrick Lacy, we received this message from Memphis Mafia member, Marty Lacker:

          For those who have not read my book Elvis Aaron Presley: Revelations of the Memphis Mafia (later re-issued as Elvis and the Memphis Mafia), here is the full story of what Patrick Lacy refers to when he mentions my name in his findings about the true spelling of Elvis' middle name Aaron, not Aron.
          In December, 1966 in the basement den with Elvis, his father, Richard Davis and Mike Keaton, we were talking about something that had to have his name on it. Out of the blue I said to Elvis,"You know with your knowledge of the bible, how come your middle name is spelled with one "A" as opposed to the biblical spelling, which is normally used, that of Aaron with two "A's?" He answered while glancing at his father then back to me,"Well you know back then some people didn't know how to spell or spell someone's name." He was referring to Vernon giving Elvis his middle named to honor Vernon's best friend in Tupelo, Aaron Kennedy.

          So when Vernon went to register his name for the birth certificate he misspelled the name when filling out the form. What's ironic is that the Dr. who delivered Elvis, when filling out the required birth record that he was legally bound to do, he spelled Aaron with two "A's" on the birth record. What makes it even more unusual is the Dr. wrote Elvis' first name as Evis because when he asked Vernon the name, Vernon always,for whatever reason, didn't pronounce the "L" in Elvis and called him Evis. I have a copy of the birth record and it plainly states in the Doctor's handwriting Evis Aaron Presley.

          So after Elvis saying that about the spelling, he further turned to his father and said,"Daddy from now on, on any legal document or anything else I want you to spell my middle name with two "A's." And there you have the reason why the spelling was changed from one "A" to two "A's."



          • brandalarm
            Gehört zum Inventar

            • 22.06.2008
            • 4242

            Das offizielle Graceland Tourbuch sagt folgendes zur Schreibweise von Aaron:

            Elvis wurde nach seinem Vater "Vernon Elvis" und dessen Freund "Aaron Kennedy" benannt. Die Presleys wählten angeblich die Schreibweise Aron, damit der Name dem Mittelnamen von Elvis Bruder Jessie Garon ähnelte... (Warum das nun ähnlicher sein soll als Aaron leutet mir persönlich jetzt nicht ein )

            Elvis wollte in späteren Jahren seinen Namen offiziell in Aaron ändern lassen, eben wegen der biblischen Bedeutung. Er stellte allerdings fest, dass sein Name auf seiner Geburtsturkunde bereits als Aaron vermerkt war. Offensichtlich wurde die Sache dann nicht weiter verfolgt. Vernon, der natürlich darüber Bescheid wusste, entschied sich dann für die Aaron Schreibweise, weil er wusste, dass Elvis es so gewollt hätte. Und eben aus diesem Grunde verwendet auch die EPE den Namen Aaron.

            Zur Schreibweise Jessie / Jesse äußert sich das Buch nur sehr kurz. Man forscht dort wohl noch nach. Aber ein Zusammenhang zum Namen von Vernon´s Vater Jessie ist vermutlich nicht ganz von der Hand zu weisen...
            Because Elvis is so much more than the King...

