New col Parker book

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  • PatrickVaals
    Gehört zum Inventar

    • 15.01.2008
    • 1711

    New col Parker book

    New Book On Col. Parker

    ElvisMatters will issue a new book on Col. Parker late June. The book will contain the travel log Parker's brother Ad kept when visiting him in 1961, the documents Parker sent to Holland and the story of the Dutch years of the Colonel. The book will contain a CD with a message that Parker's brother recorded when in the States. Last but not least - to keep the Elvis connection - there is a picturespecial with the greatest pictures of Elvis and his manager.
    The book will be presented on June 26 in Breda. There will be a free exhibition.

    Source: ElvisMatters / Updated: May 31, 2010
  • PatrickVaals
    Gehört zum Inventar

    • 15.01.2008
    • 1711

    ElvisMatters returns to Breda with a NEW BOOK Maybe you were one of the 11.000 visitors of the exhibition “100 years Parker, 1000 x ELVIS” last June in Breda, Holland. In four days time, we welcomed eleven thousand fans of the King at our unique exhibition. The place – BREDA in Holland – was not a coincidence: it was there that colonel Tom Parker was born on June 26th 1909. Hundreds of fans asked us “will you do this again next year, in 2010? Will you come back to Breda for a special ELVIS event that last weekend of June?” The answer is: YES! We will be back. So take down the date for our next Elvis event: June 26th in Breda, Holland. We’ll present a NEW BOOK, an EXCLUSIVE SINGLE, a STATE OF THE ART EXHIBITION and the best part is: THERE IS NO TICKET CHARGE! ElvisMatters does it again…


    As we all know, Colonel Parker was born in Holland as Dries van Kuijk. He left Holland at the age of 19 and became one of the most influential men in the music industry, and even in world history. The “USA years” of the Colonel have been subject to all kinds of books, but for some reason the ‘Breda Years’ were just a chapter in those books. ElvisMatters presents a brand new book called “The Travel Log – In Search of Colonel Parker” with exclusive stories, pictures, documents and facts. The book has 4 chapters:

    1. THE TRAVEL LOG. Did Elvis or did Elvis not know that his manager was Dutch? Did the Colonel actually met his brother Ad who had discovered his new identity and came to visit ‘The Colonel’ in 1961? Chapter one of the book – the travel log – gives you – for the first time ever – a complete look at what REALLY happened during that visit. Ad van Kuijk Sr kept a picture diary and, with special thanks to his son Ad van Kuijk Jr, ElvisMatters has the exclusive rights to reprint this travel log in it’s entirety. See pictures of the Colonel at his house, with a huge wall of gold and silver records. Read the documents, and follow the footsteps of the Colonel’s brother when he “went to see Elvis and the Colonel”. Needless to say that the picture that Elvis signed for the Colonel’s brother will be included in the book too. These pictures are just a small sample of the actual Travel Log which we'll reproduce from A to Z. The book will be presented on June 26th by Ad van Kuijk Jr – who was the first to get a reply from his nephew the Colonel and consequently brought both brothers together again – and Colonel expert Jorrit Van der Kooi.

    2. THE DOCUMENTS. All the documents, letters, cards, and what have you that the Colonel sent his Family are included in the book, and give you a unique view on the “Dutch” side of Elvis’s manager

    3. THE DUTCH YEARS. For the very first time, we take you back to the Dutch years of the Colonel, in Holland (1909-1928). Much has been written about the Colonel’s American career, but the years before he left for the US are still a mystery. Not anymore with this book. Here’s what really happened!

    4. A PICTURE SPECIAL. Elvis and the Colonel: the best pictures EVER of the superstar and his manager.


    I bet ya that this is completely new to even the hard core Elvis fans. Ad van Kuijk Sr. – the Colonel’s brother – recorded a RECORD in the States. No song though, but a spoken message that he recorded on a 78 rpm disc and sent to his Family in Holland. This one of a kind record, with the voice (in Dutch) of the Colonel’s brother, comes as a FREE BONUS to the book.


    The icing on the cake for June 26th, is the exhibition by the Dutch artist Ton van Herwaarde. More on his art later, but he is considered to be THE best Elvis art-ist there is. This is what Graceland wrote him about his art: “Your artwork has been shared with members of our management team and our west coast office as well. Everyone has been very impressed with the quality and accuracy of your art. It’s the best likeness of Elvis that we have seen in original art.”


    And the best part is: there is NO charge for this special June 26th event! ElvisMatters takes care of all the costs, and we invite all Elvis fans to attend this special Elvis-evening in Breda for free! June 26th, 8 pm, Breda (Holland). Address: Centrale bibliotheek, Molenstraat 6, 4811 GS Breda

