Procedures for access to The King's bedroom

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  • MysteryTrain

    • 12.07.2008
    • 7260

    Procedures for access to The King's bedroom

    And finally here are the procedures for access to The King's bedroom.
    Jack Soden, Angie Marchese (Archives Manager), the two that you would think have access, have to get permission, in writing, from either Lisa or Priscilla.
    Here are the procedures to getting in the bedroom.
    1. Written memo to Jack Soden as to the reason for needing acc...ess with an approximate time needed in the room.
    2. Memo is approved by Soden, and forwarded to either Priscilla's, or Lisa's reps.
    3. Approved or disapproved by either, and sent back to Soden.
    4. If approved Soden will retrieve the keys from Graceland Vault area. The door has two combos. One Soden has, and the other is the head of Graceland security (not affiliated with their uniformed guards.)
    5. The persons, or persons approved to enter the bedroom are checked for cameras, and have listed on a memo pad, what they are bringing up, or from the room. If photos of an item in the room are made, then each photo is accounted for, and stored by Soden while the process is on.
    6. Soden, or one of his security will escort the rep, usually Angie Marchese to the upstairs area and open the two locked doors.
    7. The time Angie is in the room is timed, and documented.
    Lisa does not stay in the room, her room is still there, but of course more update to her likings. Lisa, and her mom can do what they please up there, and often do, and yes Lisa has had many visitors in her dad’s room.

    Quelle: TCB Band Fanclub auf Facebook