New book-dvd about secret Elvis paternity suit

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    Gehört zum Inventar

    • 11.01.2005
    • 4958

    New book-dvd about secret Elvis paternity suit

    Here some detailed Information from Praytome Press releases:

    20 years of research and hard detective work and additional 18 months of pure production time have gone by.

    Different than our other productions which were most of the time advertised long before their release dates we kept the work about this extreme and highly controversial topic behind the curtain and over the years every little detail of this work has been handled as top secret.

    We never have done a more exciting production work than on this new product.

    This time we had to get our hands on information, paper work and facts which no one is supposed to see.

    Never in the past, we had to dig that deep to get out information and material we needed for the project.

    Some members of the team had to bring them selves into dangerous situations to get the hands on things that were of high priority to finalise that outstanding production.

    And on some things you even don't want to know how we got the material that we used in our new project.

    There were times when we were not sure if we were able to finish that production.

    Now we are in the position that we can finally give you some information about one of the most outstanding work we have ever compiled.


    A 100-pages full-colour, hard cover book with the use of the outstanding, high quality paper stock being established as best choice paper for books by our releases of the "Elvis - Behind The Image" & "Elvis - Born To Rock".
    The prints will be as usual "National Geographic" quality standard. The pictures were cleaned and restored by a professional graphic historian so the best possible results are the logical consequence. The book comes with a print varnishing.

    This method guarantees that (especially on pictures with dark areas) the fingerprints don't remain visible and so the single pages will always look new and unread. The new release will have the same great finish for what Praytome Publishing is famous for.


    The DVD is NOT the usual "Bonus"-DVD Material, we talk about a full length 95 minutes DVD documentary.

    The outstanding and thrilling script of Bud Glass (author of "Elvis - Behind The Image") for the first time breaks down iron walls of silence and leads you behind the scenes of one of the biggest sex scandals in history of music.

    The documentary is like an exciting thriller ( Movie ) and will put the viewer back and forth emotionally.

    The time of speculations about these events, taking place during the heighth of Elvis Presley's concert years, is over.

    Did Elvis have an illigitimate child or was he the victim of a well calculated extortion attempt ?

    The book goes along this line and has original court documents and photos that allow your own research for the mystery behind the most controversial sex scandal in the history of music.

    Published by "Praytome Publishing" this 100 pages, full colored, hardback book co-operates perfectly with the included full length 95 minutes DVD documentary and German subtitles for the documentary.

    2006/12/16 Andylon Lensen - /

  • susan

    • 24.11.2003
    • 185

    hat jemand schon diese DVD + Buch?


    • MARIE
      Gehört zum Inventar

      • 11.01.2005
      • 4958



      • Krausinger

        • 22.06.2006
        • 285

        Zitat von MARIE
        Here some detailed Information from Praytome Press releases:

        20 years of research and hard detective work and additional 18 months of pure production time have gone by.

        Different than our other productions which were most of the time advertised long before their release dates we kept the work about this extreme and highly controversial topic behind the curtain and over the years every little detail of this work has been handled as top secret.

        We never have done a more exciting production work than on this new product.

        This time we had to get our hands on information, paper work and facts which no one is supposed to see.

        Never in the past, we had to dig that deep to get out information and material we needed for the project.

        Some members of the team had to bring them selves into dangerous situations to get the hands on things that were of high priority to finalise that outstanding production.

        And on some things you even don't want to know how we got the material that we used in our new project.

        There were times when we were not sure if we were able to finish that production.

        Now we are in the position that we can finally give you some information about one of the most outstanding work we have ever compiled.


        A 100-pages full-colour, hard cover book with the use of the outstanding, high quality paper stock being established as best choice paper for books by our releases of the "Elvis - Behind The Image" & "Elvis - Born To Rock".
        The prints will be as usual "National Geographic" quality standard. The pictures were cleaned and restored by a professional graphic historian so the best possible results are the logical consequence. The book comes with a print varnishing.

        This method guarantees that (especially on pictures with dark areas) the fingerprints don't remain visible and so the single pages will always look new and unread. The new release will have the same great finish for what Praytome Publishing is famous for.


        The DVD is NOT the usual "Bonus"-DVD Material, we talk about a full length 95 minutes DVD documentary.

        The outstanding and thrilling script of Bud Glass (author of "Elvis - Behind The Image") for the first time breaks down iron walls of silence and leads you behind the scenes of one of the biggest sex scandals in history of music.

        The documentary is like an exciting thriller ( Movie ) and will put the viewer back and forth emotionally.

        The time of speculations about these events, taking place during the heighth of Elvis Presley's concert years, is over.

        Did Elvis have an illigitimate child or was he the victim of a well calculated extortion attempt ?

        The book goes along this line and has original court documents and photos that allow your own research for the mystery behind the most controversial sex scandal in the history of music.

        Published by "Praytome Publishing" this 100 pages, full colored, hardback book co-operates perfectly with the included full length 95 minutes DVD documentary and German subtitles for the documentary.

        2006/12/16 Andylon Lensen - /

        Nachdem wir jetzt also wissen wie schwierig es war an die Informationen für die DvD zu kommen (welche bleiben im Dunkeln), und nachdem wir alles über die Qualität des Papiers für den Bildband erfahren haben.
        Meine Frage:

        Was ist auf dem Ding drauf?

        Der größte Sexskandal in der Musikgeschichte - hab ich da was verpasst?
        Elvis uneheliche Kinder?

        Scheint mir ja wieder schöner Blödsinn zu sein!
        Nicht der Wind bestimmt die Richtung sondern das Segel!


        • MARIE
          Gehört zum Inventar

          • 11.01.2005
          • 4958

          Zitat von Krausinger
          Nachdem wir jetzt also wissen wie schwierig es war an die Informationen für die DvD zu kommen (welche bleiben im Dunkeln), und nachdem wir alles über die Qualität des Papiers für den Bildband erfahren haben.
          Meine Frage:

          Was ist auf dem Ding drauf?

          Der größte Sexskandal in der Musikgeschichte - hab ich da was verpasst?
          Elvis uneheliche Kinder?

          Scheint mir ja wieder schöner Blödsinn zu sein!

          Das ist doch nichts neues! Schaue die link von e-bay


          • Schorni

            • 09.12.2003
            • 8640

            Zitat von Krausinger
            Nachdem wir jetzt also wissen wie schwierig es war an die Informationen für die DvD zu kommen (welche bleiben im Dunkeln), und nachdem wir alles über die Qualität des Papiers für den Bildband erfahren haben.
            Meine Frage:

            Was ist auf dem Ding drauf?
            Das ist doch mal ne gute Frage.
            Bevor ich keine genauen Informationen habe, was ich da genau bekomme, wird auch nix gekauft.
            Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!


            • MARIE
              Gehört zum Inventar

              • 11.01.2005
              • 4958

              Zitat von Schorni
              Das ist doch mal ne gute Frage.
              Bevor ich keine genauen Informationen habe, was ich da genau bekomme, wird auch nix gekauft.
              Darum diese e-bay link,da sieht man mehr!


              • Schorni

                • 09.12.2003
                • 8640

                Zitat von MARIE
                Darum diese e-bay link,da sieht man mehr!

                Da lese ich nix neues. Was genau ist auf der DVD an Footage drauf? Gibt es S8-Aufnahmen, die man bisher nicht kennt. Wenn ja, wielang und was?
                Das was es auf dem Trailer zu sehen gab, ist bekanntes Material.

                Fragen über fragen.
                Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!


                • MARIE
                  Gehört zum Inventar

                  • 11.01.2005
                  • 4958

                  Zitat von Schorni
                  Da lese ich nix neues. Was genau ist auf der DVD an Footage drauf? Gibt es S8-Aufnahmen, die man bisher nicht kennt. Wenn ja, wielang und was?
                  Das was es auf dem Trailer zu sehen gab, ist bekanntes Material.

                  Fragen über fragen.

                  'Ja das wird sein kaufen und schauen!


                  • Aleksandra

                    • 25.05.2005
                    • 8166

                    Zitat von susan
                    hat jemand schon diese DVD + Buch?
                    Ja, ich habe das Buch und die DVD...
                    Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

                    "My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone


                    • Schorni

                      • 09.12.2003
                      • 8640

                      Zitat von Aleksandra
                      Ja, ich habe das Buch und die DVD...

                      Dann berichte doch mal bitte, was es dort zu sehen gibt.
                      Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!


                      • Aleksandra

                        • 25.05.2005
                        • 8166

                        Zitat von Schorni
                        Dann berichte doch mal bitte, was es dort zu sehen gibt.
                        Ich schaue mir die DVD heute Abend erst an, danach (morgen) schreibe ich eine Review... das Buch lese ich erst wenn ich wieder Zuhause bin...
                        So lange musst ihr Euch noch gedulden...
                        Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

                        "My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone


                        • Eva
                          • 02.02.2004
                          • 19694

                          Zitat von Aleksandra
                          Ja, ich habe das Buch und die DVD...
                          war es ein Weihnachtsgeschenk


                          • Dr.Nic
                            Gehört zum Inventar

                            • 05.11.2005
                            • 1328

                            Zitat von Schorni
                            Gibt es S8-Aufnahmen, die man bisher nicht kennt. Wenn ja, wielang und was?
                            ach Schorni, selbst wenn es Elvis beim Poppen zu sehen gäbe, dich würde man damit nicht hinterm Ofen hervorlocken können


                            • Aleksandra

                              • 25.05.2005
                              • 8166

                              Zitat von Eva
                              war es ein Weihnachtsgeschenk
                              Ja es war ein Weihnachtsgeschenk....
                              soll ich auch sagen von wem...?
                              Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

                              "My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone

