"Unchained Melody" Song Lyricist Dies In Westport.

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  • Andylon Lensen
    Kommt langsam in Fahrt

    • 26.01.2007
    • 121

    "Unchained Melody" Song Lyricist Dies In Westport.

    "Unchained Melody" Song Lyricist Dies In Westport.

    (Hy Zaret (left) inducted to the songwriters Hall Of Fame 1984)

    (Westport-AP) _ Hy Zaret, the man who wrote the words to one of the most recorded love songs, "Unchained Melody," has died at his Westport home.

    Robert Zaret says his father, who died yesterday, was 99.

    Zaret penned words to many songs and advertising jingles but his biggest hit was "Unchained Melody," written in 1955.

    It was recorded by more than 300 artists including the Righteous Brothers, Elvis Presley and U2.

    Zaret did find some controversy a few years ago when William Stirrat, an electrical engineer, claimed he had written "Unchained Melody" as a romantic teenager under the pen name Hy Zaret.

    But Zaret's son says the dispute was resolved completely in favor of Zaret, who continued to receive all royalties.

    An officials with ASCAP, the America Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, says the challenger who had legally changed his name to Hy Zaret, died in 2004.

    2007/07/03 www.wtnh.com / www.epgold.com
  • michael grasberger

    • 16.02.2006
    • 9971

    Zitat von Andylon Lensen
    It was recorded by more than 300 artists including the Righteous Brothers, Elvis Presley and U2.
    nebenbei gesagt: wieder mal typisch, dass nur weiße interpreten genannt werden. was ist mit roy hamilton? dessen version war, soweit ich weiß, die erste und als hit in den r&b UND pop-charts sicher einflussreicher (meiner meinung nach auch besser) als alle anderen.

    "We know that rock'n'roll was not a human invention, that it was the work of the Holy Ghost."
    (Nick Tosches)

