Dennis Roberts dies

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    • 11.01.2005
    • 4958

    Dennis Roberts dies

    Welcome to the "Elvis Information Network", home to the best news, reviews, interviews & articles about the King of Rock & Roll, Elvis Aaron Presley...

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    Wednesday August 1 2007................the countdown continues............10 days until Elvis Week 2007!!!
    Dennis Roberts, Elvis sunglasses supplier, dies: Dennis Roberts, who made glasses from Elton John to Elvis has passed away. Roberts who was diabetic unfortunately developed pneumonia. He will be laid to rest in Las Vegas, NV. During the 1970s Roberts made spectacles and jewellery for Elvis (he did not make the original TCB pendants) and was one Elvis personality featured in the 2005 DVD, 'Altered By Elvis' where in one of the better scenes he told how he became Elvis' glasses provider.
    Here is Roberts' story about how he met Elvis; "It was in 1970 when I was driving one morning on Sunset Boulevard. I was going to deliver some eyeglasses I just made to Elton John. I was stopped at a traffic light at Sunset and La Cienega when I looked over my right shoulder and saw Elvis Presley driving a black 1969 Cadillac Limousine. Elvis had his head out of the window and I said to him, "Elvis, you look like shit" and he said "I feel like shit". I told him that he needed sunglasses and he agreed. I got out of my car and told him that I had a optical shop just down the street and gave him my business card. I also told him that I had just made eyeglasses for Steve McQueen, Sammy Davis, Jr., Elton John and the Beatles. He said "I'll be in to see you". The rest is Rock & Roll history! Visit his Celebrity Sunglasses website here. (News, Source; Various)
  • jack77

    • 06.02.2007
    • 5379

    Das ist traurig, ich hatte erst vor einem halben Jahr ungefähr schriftlichen Kontakt mit ihm. Er bot viele Stücke seiner Sammlung zu Elvis bei Ebay an.

    Dennis, R.I.P.
    w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / R O S S i m R A D I O 1

