a really hilarious story from the '76 recording session's

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    • 11.01.2005
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    a really hilarious story from the '76 recording session's

    nolvis's Avatar

    Join Date: Sep 2005
    Posts: 306

    Cool This is a really hilarious story from the '76 recording session's(re:Vernon) !!!
    From Joe Esposito and Joe Russos book-Elvis-Straight Up--

    Speaking of "blue",it was during the session for "Hurt" that Elvis recorded a unique version of that song especially for his father.After completing the master take,he asked Felton and the band to run through the song one more time.When he reached the spoken part of his performance,Elvis twisted the lovelorn recitation into a shocking, X-rated verbal assault that would have made late 80's comedian Sam Kinnison blush!Once we all regained our composure,Elvis sent for his father,Vernon,and said,"Listen to this,Daddy.You'll love it".Felton ran the playback of "Hurt".The song's dramatic opening crescendo followed by Elvis' booming opening line blared through the speakers,filling the room with sound:"I'm...soooohuuuuurrt".Vernon listened intently to Elvis's impassioned,powerful vocal,nodding his approval.Moment's later came the spoken second verse:

    "I'm hurt...
    much more...god***it honey,
    I told you so...shit!...
    yes darling,i'm so hurt...c***sucker!
    Because...I still love you so...motherf***er!"

    Vernon turned red."Oh,lord have mercy,son...what am i gonna do with you? he said,burying his face in his hands.It truly was one of the funniest prank's I've ever seen Elvis pull off

  • gast-20071116

    Zu hören auf den Import CDs "Among Friends" + "Cut Me & I Bleed". :regeln:


    • gast-20071102

      hab gerade überlegt, auf welcher boot das drauf war, danke master, jetzt brauch ich nicht mehr suchen ...


      wo warst du eigentlich am dienstag abend, dachte du kommst auch nach wien ... oder hab ich das falsch in erinnerung


      • gast-20071116


        Hatte ich auch eigentlich vorgehabt, aber hat nicht wie gedacht geklappt, schade eigentlich...

