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-   -   Lisa Marie Presley is reportedly pregnant for the third time. (https://www.elvisnachrichten.de/showthread.php?t=13074)

annmargrethistruelove 09.07.2008 17:43


Zitat von Linda JnB (Beitrag 425281)

Scheinst dich ja mit Scientology-Sekte sehr gut auszukennen....

In der Tat.... .

Also an ihrer engen Zugehörigkeit zur Sekte gibt es wirklich keinen Zweifel. Es sei denn, ihr glaubt nichtmal Lisa selbst :roll:.
Interview mit Larry King auf CNN:

(Quelle bzw. ganzes Interview :http://images.google.de/imgres?imgur...DE256%26sa%3DN

KING: Still a Scientologist?
PRESLEY: Yes, sir.
KING: Do you use it a lot? I mean, do you go to meetings?
PRESLEY: There's no meetings, but I definitely use and refer to, you know, the man was a genius, I don't know what to say other than that.
KING: I knew him.
PRESLEY: You did? Wow.
KING: Interviewed him.
KING: In the '60s, off a science fiction book he wrote.
PRESLEY: Right. Right.
KING: A great interview, by the way.
PRESLEY: Really?
KING: On science fiction, he was a great interview.
PRESLEY: Was it print or TV?
KING: No, on TV in Miami.
PRESLEY: Wow! That's very interesting.
KING: Yeah. It's historic. They should have saved the tape.
PRESLEY: You should have saved it.
KING: Like (ph) kinescope, because I mean, the Scientologists, I mean, look up to him as he's the founder of the faith. Is it called a faith?
PRESLEY: It was a religion. It was bona fide, it was acknowledged as a religion by the IRS, actually.
KING: Why do you think it's controversial?
PRESLEY: I think that anything that's young and growing quickly is scary and controversial, and anything with religion is also a bit sketchy. You know what I mean? When you have that -- that on it, organized, and usually there's different, you know, things.
But the bottom line is, is that what's in there and what he says is not something that you have to believe. You read it, you go out and you check it out, and you see if it's not the truth. And it works exactly as he said. He figured out a lot. And that, you know, it makes sense, and therefore, it answers a lot of questions. It brings a lot of sanity in my life.

gast-20100118 09.07.2008 17:56

oh! interessant !!

gast-20081107 10.07.2008 08:49


Schwarz auf Blau ist schwer zu erkennen:cool:

jenny_861 19.07.2008 10:26

wann kommen denn nun die Baby´s?

Aleksandra 19.07.2008 13:07


Zitat von jenny_861 (Beitrag 429622)
wann kommen denn nun die Baby´s?

Abwarten :cool:

karladil 20.07.2008 12:14

War nicht der Termin auch so um den Juli August herum.... Bin ja gespannt wie die Kleinen aussehen werden.. Elvis hätte seine wahre Freude dran... Wenn er nicht reichlich Kinder in die Welt gesetzt hat, macht das nun Lisa doppelt u. dreifach... äh vierfach....

Suskai 20.07.2008 14:03

Es wäre ihr wirklich zu wünschen, wenn dieses Gerücht diesmal stimmen würde, denn schließlich wurde ja schon öfter behauptet, dass sie schwanger wäre. Allerdings wäre es wirklich schön, wenn es noch einen weiteren Elvisenkel geben würde und vielleicht nennt sie den ja nach ihrem Vater, wie sie es angeblich schon mal vor hatte. Also drücken wir ihr für alles die Daumen. Werden es eigentlich Zwillinge?

annmargrethistruelove 20.07.2008 19:17

Also ich vermute mal ganz stark, dass das kein Gerücht ist :grins:


Es sollen tatsächlich Zwillinge sein, Geburtstermin ist Ende August... .

"Double the joy: Lisa Marie Presley and her musician husband Michael Lockwood are said to be expecting twins. The couple were seen out on the weekend at a television festival in Hollywood
A neighbour of the couple has claimed the music legend's daughter is actually having two babies, and that one of them is a boy.
The source told Star: "Michael told me that he and Lisa have been trying to get pregnant for about a year
"He also said that they had a sonogram two weeks ago...Michael was beaming."
Lisa Marie's father Elvis was a twin. But brother Jesse Garon Presley died at birth.
It will be the third child for 40-year-old Presley, who has two children, model Riley Keough, 18, and Benjamin Storm, 15, from her marriage to ex-husband Danny Keough.
Lisa Marie has previously said she loves being pregnant. She said: "I don't know what to do with myself when I'm not a mother.
"I just feel like I'm good at it...I'm all right at it, and my kids are teenagers, so I thought it was time to have another round.
"And my mother kind of did the same thing with my brother, so it's just time."
Presley's spokeswoman confirmed the singer and her husband are expecting their first child together next autumn. She said: "The couple are incredibly overjoyed."
(http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz...ne-claims.html )

Auch hier:

Hier könnt ihr den Namen für Lisa Marie's Baby voten :roll:;-) :

Britt-25 22.07.2008 20:53

Und wie ja auch schon mehrfach gesagt wurde, Lisa hat es selber bestätigt, wie z.B. auf Myspace. Da dürfte es nun wirklich keine Zweifel mehr geben. Ich wundere mich, dass manche sich der Sache immernoch nicht sicher zu sein scheinen...:roll:

Monja 03.08.2008 18:37

Weiß jemand ob es schon Nachwuchs gibt?
Müßte doch bald soweit sein und Zwillinge kommen doch eh immer etwas früher?!
Bin schon echt gespannt und hoffe vor allem, daß sie alle gesund sind.

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