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Alt 23.02.2007, 11:58
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Dee Stanley New Film

What with the Elvis Impersonator contest, PEZ dispensers and candy bars, the
30th Anniversary of Elvis' passing is to be graced by dear old Dee Stanley, the
Ex-Wife of Vernon Presley.........Yep, the old wicked stepmother herself.

We last heard from her when JD Sumner called her a "Blooming Liar (loved that!)"
when she claimed that Elvis had sexual relations with his mother?

NOW, the Odyssey Pictures Corporation has announce the launch of one of the
most incredible (cough! cough!) films ever produced - "Presley On Presley" the
life and death of Elvis Presley as told by the last living person that was there as an
adult at the time.

The synopsis:
"From the time Elvis was home with his mom and dad, the first meeting with Priscilla
Presley to his mysterious death. This is the true story told by Dee Presley - the
only person that was there during the entire incredible journey only person that
was there during the entire incredible journey".

We hope that the film does not get completed as it is highly likely to be a very
negative look at Elvis' life with lies and half truths from this slimy Stanley. Lets just
hope that she will soon crawl back under her rock.

Originating Source: Email / Elvis Express Radio
Alt Alt 23.02.2007, 11:58
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Alt 23.02.2007, 12:23
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Sivle Sivle ist offline
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Ich dachte, Dee Stanley wäre schon tot.
Gibt es von der Fotos wie sie heute aussieht?
Alt 23.02.2007, 12:30
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Zitat von Sivle Beitrag anzeigen
Ich dachte, Dee Stanley wäre schon tot.
Gibt es von der Fotos wie sie heute aussieht?

Das habe ich auch gedacht!Foto´s weiss ich nicht.Was kann von Ihr jetzt für mist kommen

film, stanley


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