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Alt 12.06.2009, 19:51
rointasa rointasa ist offline
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Elvis Presley stamp in France

The official release date for the Elvis Presley stamp in France is October 2, 2009, but the national subscription will take place on June 13th 2009, during the celebration of Elvis visit in Paris 50th anniversary, organised by the Elvis My Happiness fan club, with special guest Joe Esposito, coming to Paris especially for this event. Other guests include celebrities and artists who met Elvis during his stay in Paris, such as: Clyde Wright, member of the Golden Gate Quartet and Nancy Holloway, American singer established in the city.
Elvis My Happiness will exclusively propose a special Elvis stamp package containing:
  • 10 prepaid envelopes
  • 10 stamps
  • the exclusive “1st day” card
  • the exclusive prepaid “1st day” envelope
  • an exclusive promo CD
A set of 10 stamps and/or a set of 10 prepaid envelopes are also available through Elvis My Happpiness shop.
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Alt 20.06.2009, 05:37
phyllis phyllis ist offline
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elvis stamps France

Yeah Elvis Rocks once again.
Zitat von rointasa Beitrag anzeigen
The official release date for the Elvis Presley stamp in France is October 2, 2009, but the national subscription will take place on June 13th 2009, during the celebration of Elvis visit in Paris 50th anniversary, organised by the Elvis My Happiness fan club, with special guest Joe Esposito, coming to Paris especially for this event. Other guests include celebrities and artists who met Elvis during his stay in Paris, such as: Clyde Wright, member of the Golden Gate Quartet and Nancy Holloway, American singer established in the city.

Elvis My Happiness will exclusively propose a special Elvis stamp package containing:
  • 10 prepaid envelopes
  • 10 stamps
  • the exclusive “1st day” card
  • the exclusive prepaid “1st day” envelope
  • an exclusive promo CD
A set of 10 stamps and/or a set of 10 prepaid envelopes are also available through Elvis My Happpiness shop.
Alt 29.07.2009, 20:32
Benutzerbild von andy_m
andy_m andy_m ist offline

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Kennt jemand die Tracklisting dieser french CD?

france, stamp


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