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Alt 30.01.2012, 15:26
SaharaTahoe SaharaTahoe ist offline
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FTD / FlamingStar Book "King Creole"

FTD BOOKS and FLAMING STAR have decided to join forces in order to streamline the production, sales and distribution of Elvis book product. The key element is the books created by Erik Lorenzen and Pål Granlund.
Through books like “King Creole-The Music”, “Fashion for a King”, and “Elvis-The Concert Years ”, and the Norwegian fan-club magazine, the quality of the work of Flaming Star is already well known by the fans.

For you, as a customer, it means that you can order your book product along with your regular FTD releases, and all products will be shipped together. Book invoicing will be separate –see details below.

IMPORTANT: Small quantities of books are unreasonably expensive to ship, and we hope by this arrangement that we can keep the book freight charges as they are. We will invoice you on the original invoice, but if actual freight costs are higher than what we charged you, you will receive an additional invoice for the extra freight costs. We are not interested in making money on the freight issue, but we cannot accept losing money, as we do when we get small book orders of 5-20 copies.
Hopefully, with the expanded book catalogue, you will be able to combine your smaller book orders, in order to keep your freight costs down.

The new release “King Creole – Frame By Frame” is a sequel to “King Creole – The Music”.

Through 440 pages, in a 25 x 30 cm format, you will be taken through the entire story of the movie, with the original manuscript as the guiding element. Each spread combines the manuscript page with the relevant photos to cover the entire movie.

The book features more than one thousand photos, including actual shots from the film, publicity stills, and a lot of rare and previously unpublished behind the-scenes photos.

Hard bound and printed on glossy paper “King Creole – Frame By Frame”, is the ultimate journey through the making of what is by many considered Elvis’ finest movie.

The first release is already in the warehouse, and will start shipping February 7, so please place your initial orders no later than Friday, February 3.

The book weighs 2,5 kilo
The price is 300,- Danish Kroner plus freight 20,- DKK
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Alt Alt 30.01.2012, 15:26
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Alt 30.01.2012, 15:29
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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da gibts schon nen thread dazu .. irgendwo
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast

Geändert von burroughs (30.01.2012 um 15:36 Uhr)


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