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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 01.07.2006, 21:45
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Elvis: Remembering August 16, 1977

The book Elvis: Remembering August 16, 1977 has been published and is now available. It's based on the fans' reactions when they'd heard the tragic news of his death on August 16, 1977.


Elvis Is Dead !!! The three unspeakable words that his family and friends and, of course, his fans never had expected to hear in their lifetime, but they did on August 16, 1977. The King of Roll-n-Roll is dead. Since then his family and friends have written and spoken about their years with Elvis and the tragic August 1977 days. At the same time his fans had kept silent until now ...

Why now? They strongly feel it’s time to share their precious thoughts and feelings about Elvis and his untimely death with others throughout the world.

When reading each of the stories, there is a strong but special love affair between Elvis and his fans which had begun in the 1950s and still into the 21st century. For his fans, the special love Elvis gave will always be there and will never be broken.

About the Author

Michael Best lives with his wife and their dog in Lincoln, Nebraska. Mike and Spike met at Trinity United Methodist Church and became friends. They decided to work together on this book. He likes to travel, write songs, collect Star Wars figures and attend the Star Wars games, and work on his drawings. He hopes to produce a couple photo books on Jerry Garcia and Johnny Cash. Mike and Spike are currently working on their second book.

About the Editor

Spike Collamore lives with his parents in Lincoln, Nebraska. He graduated from the Tour and Travel program at Hamilton College in January 2005. He likes to collect the Elvis and the Kennedy family photos, the Elvis CDs and DVDs, and enjoys reading American history and biography books. He hopes to produce the 'impossible' Elvis photo books very shortly.


Chris Demetriades
London, England

I was 14 years old and had just gone to Cyprus on holiday for the first time with my Mum. The news broke out on the radio and television. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing. I felt like I’d lost a member of my family. I found one Elvis record which I played over and over again. I’d cried for hours. The next day, I called my father and asked him to save every newspaper he could buy. He did. When I got home, I read every article and wept once again. Today, I still have those newspapers. I still love the man and his music, even to the point where I have given my first-born son Elvis’ middle name, 'Aaron'.

Violetta Brajer

I was 11 years old when Elvis died. At that time, I spent days in the mountains. I read about his death in a newspaper but no emotions. I actually didn’t understand what had happened. Two months later, I watched Fun in Acapulco on our TV. I fell in love with Elvis from the first sight. And … I started crying. We miss Elvis very much here in Poland. 'We' means Polish fans in 'Raised on Rock' fan club.

Quelle: www.elvisnews.com

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
Alt Alt 01.07.2006, 21:45
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