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Thema: elvis roentgenbilder bei EBAY (juni 2006)

  1. #21
    Registriert seit
    Man, you mean to tell me ,you're not Elvis? really had me fooled there for a minute.

    Hehehe , have a good one...

    nicht-behindert sein ist kein verdienst,sondern ein geschenk was einem jederzeit genommen werden kann

  2. #22
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von elvis1970nl
    You people really don't believe these are real do ya???????
    I think these x-rays are just as fake as I am Elvis!!!!
    woohooooooo hans, who knows, who knows !? there is plenty of stuff on EBAY. unless my memory deceives me completely, unwashed (!!!) underwear recently as well

    posting these items here only means notifying my board-mates of what's going on in the (elvis-) world. i personally neither would nor could verify or falsify these items' authenticity.

    and who can tell if or if not your avatar does show the author of your postings .... maybe elvis still is alive and posting at 'tschabo's' ...

  3. #23
    gast-20070206 Gast
    Sowas muss man nicht anbieten

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