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Alt 02.10.2006, 12:53
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Elvis-Marilyn One Night Stand

Byron Raphael braucht wieder Geld..............



"RETIRED William Morris agent Byron Raphael has many juicy stories about Hollywood, but he's kept what might be the most salacious one a secret for 50 years - how once he delivered Marilyn Monroe to Elvis Presley's hotel room for a one-night stand.

Breaking his silence for the first time to Page Six, Raphael says that in 1956, his bosses urged Presley to ask out the blond bombshell as a publicity stunt, but when he approached her on a studio lot, Monroe nixed the idea. "He was very embarrassed, but I think she turned him down because she felt it was too public," Rapahel says. "But Presley didn't give up and secretly set up a meeting.

"Two weeks later, Elvis called me and said, 'I want you to pick up Marilyn.' She lived in an apartment with Shelley Winters and I don't think she wanted Shelley to know where she was going.

"It was a rainy night and I brought her to the Beverly Wilshire [hotel] and we went upstairs to his room," Raphael relates. "When he saw her, they came together and, without saying a word, started kissing. I was in shock and I didn't know what to do. Then Marilyn, who was 10 years older, said, 'You're pretty good for a guitar player.'

"After two minutes, they went into the bedroom and I didn't know if I was supposed to leave, or stay and wait for them, so I sort of just dozed off. The next thing I knew I was startled awake by the door opening and I dove behind the bar. And they both walked out stark naked. I didn't say a word. I just stayed quietly."

When Monroe and Presley went back into the bedroom, Raphael bolted. "He either put her in a cab or she stayed the night, I don't know," the agent recalls. "A few days later, when I mentioned Marilyn to Elvis, he said, 'She's a nice gal, but a little tall for me.'

"I knew that this was the sort of thing that could ruin their careers. They were two of the most famous people in the world and Marilyn was still married to Arthur Miller at the time - so I never said a word."

The Hollywood dealmaker concludes, "There were a lot of other young girls I would bring up to see Elvis - but he would never mention Marilyn again."
Alt Alt 02.10.2006, 12:53
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