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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
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Alt 03.12.2006, 10:21
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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The Gospel Side of Elvis" book release

The Gospel Side of Elvis" book release: Due for release August 13, 2007 is the book by Joe Moscheo entitled "The Gospel Side of Elvis". The publisher is Center Street.

Synopsis: Delves into a sorely neglected aspect of Elvis’s life and career explaining why Gospel music was the heart and soul of the “king of rock ‘n’ roll.” Gospel music was a significant part of not only who Elvis became as a man, but as an artist as well. As Elvis mania continues to consume generation after generation throughout the world, fans still crave new insights into the person of Elvis Presley.

This book takes a look at his roots and the role of gospel in his foundational years, as well as the comfort, solace, and strength it offered him in the years of his meteoric rise in popularity. The Gospel Side of Elvis is a rarely explored aspect of this American icon and one that reveals so much about the Elvis so many have yet to discover.

In August 2007, the 30th Anniversary commemoration of Elvis’s death will offer multiple media and promotion opportunities for promotion of the book. (ISBN: 1599957299) Joe Moscheo was a member of the Imperials, a gospel group who performed with Elvis in his Las Vegas show and produced the highly successful documentary "He Touched Me: The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley".

He Touched Me: The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley DVD has sold more than 350,000 copies and is featured by PBS in their annual fundraising drive. It is the feature that proves most successful for their fundraising efforts. Crosspromotion opportunities with the DVD are possible. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Alt Alt 03.12.2006, 10:21
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