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Alt 29.04.2007, 11:57
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Audobon Drive home abandoned

Audobon Drive home abandoned: On the cover of the newly released book 'Follow Me To Tennessee', we see a picture of the house on Audobon Drive. Visitors of the first house that Elvis ever bought are currently seeing a completely abandoned site. After the divorce of its last owners Cindy Hazen and Mike Freeman, there is are legal proceedings going on about ownership of the property. A successful auction on Ebay has been dismissed. The empty house looks now very sad in its residential neighbourhood. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Alt Alt 29.04.2007, 11:57
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Alt 29.04.2007, 18:28
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Mike Freeman, der Vorbesitzer, äußert sich heute dazu auf elvisnews.com:

"The Audubon house is not abandoned! it is temporarily empty. Mike Curb Foundation and Rhodes College are restoring the house to the way it looked in 1956. I could not finish that restoration. Perhaps when they are finished, we can tour the house again. Rhodes College will use the house as part of their school of music history. Also, the high bidders on Ebay, Mr. Geller and his partners did not pay us for the house. That is why we sold it to Mike Curb."

abandoned, audobon, drive, home

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