Sonny West Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business

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    • 11.01.2005
    • 4957

    Sonny West Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business

    Courtesy of the publisher, Triumph Books, EIN presents the first of three excerpts from Sonny West's new book, Elvis Still Taking Care of Business:
    Looking back almost 30 years later, I am forced to concede that even though Elvis: What Happened? sold three million copies, it was largely a failure. The book, co-written with my cousin Red West and fellow bodyguard Dave Hebler didn't save Elvis, and neither did it convey to readers how much I loved the man. By focusing so much on Elvis’ addiction to medication and oddball behavior, I was remiss in not telling readers how much he meant to me. Let me state for the record – he meant the world to me.

    In this book I want to give readers an insight to what Elvis was really like. Elvis had abundant charm, charisma, sensitivity and class. He was well-read on a variety of subjects from religion to philosophy to world history. Elvis had a God-given talent in music and gave 100 percent all the time on stage and in the studio. But he likewise put all of himself into every emotion, and when he was mad, you always prayed it was at somebody else. If not, you felt you needed to get the hell out of Dodge.

    Writing this book has truly been a labor of love and a catharsis. At times it’s left me drained emotionally and physically. I have taken almost four years to put down my stories on my life with Elvis, and I truly hope you enjoy reading them. If you laugh a lot or are deeply touched and moved to tears, and feel you know Elvis more personally by the time you are done reading this book then I will have accomplished something very important to me.

    Over the years there have been statements made by some concerning Elvis’ view on race, religion and politics. Elvis spent a lot of time discussing current affairs and articulating his positions. He purposely chose not to publicly convey his views so his fame would not influence anyone. Elvis served his country with distinction, and he believed that everybody is entitled to an opinion, and to have freedom of choice.

    He was once asked at a news conference about his view on a political issue, and politely declined to answer. The reporter asked Elvis if he even had a position on the subject. Elvis stated he did, but preferred to keep it to himself. That’s quite a contrast to so many of our current celebrities who aren't at all shy about using their status to promote a political agenda.

    In private, Elvis never shied away from telling anyone how great this country is. He was one of the most patriotic people I ever knew and was very proud of the men and women in our armed forces for doing their duty to protect our freedom. It’s no mere coincidence that Elvis is the symbol of
    America to many people around the globe, and he would be very proud of that association. I am happy to have been associated with Elvis Presley, a man who profoundly touched the lives of untold millions, and enriched the lives of those who knew him.


    Title: Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business

    Authors: Sonny West with Marshall Terrill

    On-Sale Date: Worldwide May 1, 2007

    Price: $25.95 US, 400 pages, plus 16 pages of photos
  • TheKing

    • 19.06.2006
    • 20710

    Das muss ich auch lesen!!!!
    Ohne Worte!


    • gast-20100118

      Zitat von MARIE
      Looking back almost 30 years later, I am forced to concede that even though Elvis: What Happened? sold three million copies, it was largely a failure.
      manche brauchen halt ne Weile bevor der Groschen fällt.


      • MARIE
        Gehört zum Inventar

        • 11.01.2005
        • 4957

        Vielleicht fällt er bei dir auch noch mal


        • gast-20100118

          Zitat von MARIE
          Vielleicht fällt er bei dir auch noch mal


          • burroughs

            • 09.02.2004
            • 56251

            Zitat von MARIE
            Vielleicht fällt er bei dir auch noch mal

            genausogut kannst du an den Osterhasen glauben

            interessant dürfte es so oder so werden
            kommt also auf den Einkaufs-zettel


            • MARIE
              Gehört zum Inventar

              • 11.01.2005
              • 4957

              genausogut kannst du an den Osterhasen glauben


              • TheKing

                • 19.06.2006
                • 20710

                Dieser Beitrag wird nicht angezeigt, da sich Rev.Gerhard auf deiner Ignorier-Liste befindet.
                Ohne Worte!


                • burroughs

                  • 09.02.2004
                  • 56251

                  Zitat von TheKing
                  Dieser Beitrag wird nicht angezeigt, da sich Rev.Gerhard auf deiner Ignorier-Liste befindet.
                  E tu, Brutus


                  • gast-20100118

                    Zitat von TheKing
                    Dieser Beitrag wird nicht angezeigt, da sich Rev.Gerhard auf deiner Ignorier-Liste befindet.
                    jau. so ist richtig. immer man Augen zu und durch. und schließlich landest du wieder da, wo dich dein Niveau wieder lieb umarmt: in Vivis Spaß thread

