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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 27.09.2007, 11:13
Benutzerbild von Herbi
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Discover Elvis

Legacy Recordings releases a series of 4 CDs available only at Wal-Mart: "Discover Elvis", "Discover More", "Discover Further" and "Discover Beyond". All CDs have 5 tracks and you can get them together in the "Full Discover Package". This is the promotional text on Legacy's website:

"Some things there’s just no debating: In all of the 20th century, Elvis Presley delivered music and culture their most devastating right hook. The Mississippi-born, Memphis-bred singer dropped all contenders in the ’50s, and then spent the next decades taking victory laps in the stripped-down, sexed-up vehicle he’d helped build: rock ’n’ roll.

Presley was a lightning rod, catching every charged element in the turbulent atmosphere of postwar America : hillbilly abandon and the raw nerve of urban R&B, impatient youth’s pounding on the windows for change, and, most of all, the country’s pent-up lust to cut loose after years of bad news and hard times. His image alone — an eye-rolling, crotch-thrusting cat with sideburns and a wild-striped sports coat — seemed to flip a middle digit to all that was reserved and righteous.

Among his first strikes were “Heartbreak Hotel” and “Hound Dog,” two shotgun blasts out of ’56 that took all the restraint out of popular music. The former’s a naked blues that riffs on romantic desperation without a hint of relief; the latter is two minutes of hell-bent vocals, red-hot guitar, and machine-gun drums that became the de facto Declaration Of Independence for the new teenage nation. By the late ’60s, Presley had matured but lost none of his pure, uncut power, slamming home hits like the soul-stoked “Suspicious Minds” and “Kentucky Rain.”

Put it this way: Without Elvis, there would be no Beatles, no Dylan, no Stones, and no punk rock. With him, America, pop music, and the world as we knew it changed forever."


Discover Elvis:

Heartbreak Hotel
Hound Dog (Sony Remaster)
Suspicious Minds (Sony Remaster)
Fever (Essential Elvis Version)
Kentucky Rain (New Sound Remaster)

Discover More:

Love Me Tender
All Shook Up
Return To Sender
I Just Can't Help Believin'

Discover Further:

Jailhouse Rock
Don't Be Cruel
Are You Lonesome Tonight
Bossa Nova Baby
Big Boss Man

Discover Beyond:

Blue Suede Shoes
Its Now Or Never
Follow That Dream
Can't Help Falling In Love
Little Sister

Quelle: www.elvisnews.com

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
Alt Alt 27.09.2007, 11:13
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