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Alt 09.06.2008, 09:43
Benutzerbild von Didi
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Controversial Elvis related film to get limited release in the US

"hounddog", starring Dakota Fanning and Robin Wright Penn is finally getting a "limited" release in America on 18 July 2008.

Film Plot: In late 1950's rural Alabama, young Lewellen lives with her stern religious grandmother, Grammie, but spends most of her time with her much-adored, wild and rough Daddy in his falling down shack. Lewellen is deeply talented and finds comfort and safety, as well as a place to put her hurt and rage, in the music of Elvis Presley, even though Charles, the wise groundskeeper of the mansion down the road, tries to convince her that "there is more to fill out that emptiness with than just Elvis."
Lewellen and her closest friend, Buddy, are caught in a shed during a heavy rainstorm. During the storm Daddy is struck by lightning and the event leaves him incapacitated as an emotional and mental child. Grammie is convinced that Daddy was stricken down by God to punish Lewellen for her alleged sins with Buddy. Lewellen becomes Daddy's caretaker and their dysfunctional relationship becomes even more pronounced, Lewellen becoming the parent and Daddy the child.

Without any guidance, Lewellen begins to move into dangerous terrain. When Elvis Presley comes to town for a concert, Lewellen is desperate to go but has no money for a ticket. So, Buddy tricks Lewellen into dancing and singing like Elvis for Wooden's Boy in exchange for tickets he has to the concert. During the impersonation, Wooden's Boy attacks Lewellen and leaves her innocence behind. Lewellen's descent into the cycle of abuse and her own pursuit of self-destruction begins. It is only Charles who can see the spirit in Lewellen and save her soul. He teaches her to use music, "the Blues," to turn her tragedy into a gift.

Source: elvisinfonet.com
Alt Alt 09.06.2008, 09:43
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