TCB On The Lisa Marie

George Klein often says, “There were always be a TCB on the Lisa Marie“. Now let’s tell you about the man who painted the TCB on the Lisa Marie.

Wendell Rankin has painted since he was in the Army, where a portrait of his wife inside his wall locker drew his company commander's attention during an inspection. Work painting signs for Uncle Sam led eventually to his own sign business in Euless, TX where in 1975 he undertook a job for the King himself. Elvis Presley had purchased a Convair 880, which he christened the Lisa Marie, from Delta Air Lines on April 18, 1975. The plane was housed in a hangar at Meacham Field, in Forth Worth, TX and Presley had it refurbished there. Rankin's company was tapped to paint Presley's TCB motto -- "taking care of business" -- on the tail and its name on the nose. Wendell says he was invited to tour the inside of the Lisa Marie after the work was done. Here are some of Wendell’s photos from that day.

Permission is granted to reproduce this story as long as is given proper credit.

Kilde: Elvis Unlimited