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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 16.06.2008, 13:32
Benutzerbild von Didi
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DVD "Elvis Presley - A Documentary"

Due for release from Timeless Media Group (TMG) on August 26, 2008 is the DVD simply entitled "A Documentary". The DVD is region 1.
Product Description

Whether you call him The King, The Big E, or just Elvis, there will never be another like him. With his string of gold records, number one hits, and more than thirty films, Elvis Presley shines brighter today than many of today's stars. The King comes into focus in this special DVD documentary, with rare archival footage and special interviews with those who knew Elvis and the people who surrounded him: his child-bride Priscilla, his Holllywood leading ladies, Colonel Tom Parker and more. We will take you inside the man and the music that was Elvis Presley, from his humble beginnings in Tupelo, Mississippi to world wide fame and fortune. This documentary will take you through his phenomenal recording career, his Hollywood movies, and his amazing comeback in 1969. Sit back and enjoy this very special tribute to one of the greatest entertainers the world has ever seen! Long live the King of Rock and Roll!

Source: elvisnews.com
Alt Alt 16.06.2008, 13:32
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