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Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 14.08.2008, 20:20
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Celeste Yarnall and That Kiss.....

Memphis, TN -- Elvis Week is well underway and the King's fans packed into the Cook Convention Center in Downtown Memphis, Wednesday, August 13, 2008, for the "Elvis Expo".

People had the chance to browse through 35,000 square feet of Elvis memorabilia, while Eyewitness News Everywhere found one of Elvis' movie co-stars.

Celeste Yarnall shared with us what it was like working with Elvis in 1968 on the set of the movie "Live a Little, Love a Little".

Before Yarnall had ever met Elvis, a producer on the set told her that Elvis was dying to meet her. Remembering that experience she told us, “I turned around and there was Elvis. I thought I was going to have a heart attack."

She told us she’ll never forget his sapphire blue eyes and how nice he treated her and others.

Yarnall has many pictures of Elvis and her together. She says the connection they had was something special.

“The chemistry between us was…if we both hadn't of been married, I tell you the chemistry was unbelievable,” said Yarnall.

Not only did Yarnall say there was chemistry between the two of them, but she also told us about some romantic movie scenes. She says they kissed many times for the movie. She says those kisses were the best she’s ever received.

Yarnall also says face to face was the best way to take in the beauty of Elvis Presley.

“You had to see this man in person. The skin, the nose, the profile, the eyes, he was just beautiful,” said Yarnall.

She says Elvis' good looks and charm weren't the only qualities he had.

“He was very down to earth. The fabulous thing about Elvis was that he was more interested in you than trying to be interesting himself,” said Yarnall.

The Elvis Expo also showed off Elvis Presley's 1969 Mercedes Benz limousine. It is loaded with all kinds of extra amenities like a sunroof, telephone and television.

In remembrance of Elvis, the usual candlelight vigil will be held Friday, August 15, 2008, at 8:00 p.m. This is where fans can walk up his driveway at Graceland to Elvis’ gravesite with a candle in remembrance of him.
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Alt Alt 14.08.2008, 20:20
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