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Alt 25.11.2008, 13:41
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Guy Peellaert Died

Guy Peellaert Died

Belgian pop artist Guy Peellaert, whose surreal pictures for the 1972 cult book "Rock Dreams" brought him worldwide attention and led him to design album covers for the Rolling Stones and David Bowie, has died. He was 74. Peellaert died Monday in Paris after a long illness, according to media reports.

"Rock Dreams" was a fantasy tribute to rock 'n' roll that placed various major rock stars in dreamlike situations intended to reflect their music and public images. He did two paintings featuring Elvis Presley.

“Elvis Presley’s Last Supper” with guests Cliff Richard, Tom Jones and Eddie Cochran, feasting on burgers and drinking Coca-Cola. and “Little Mockstory” - Elvis Presley in police uniform busting through the dormitory door of a pot-smoking Bill Clinton.

With 116 flashy pictures by Peellaert and pithy commentary by English rock writer Nick Cohn, the book masterfully conveyed "the spirit of rock -- the irreverence, the outrage, the gaudiness, the occasional tenderness," wrote pop music critic Robert Hilburn in 1974 in The Times.

John Lennon reportedly framed the cover of the British edition, which shows him sitting at a lunch counter with Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger and Bowie.
Source: Google / Updated: Nov 23, 2008
Alt Alt 25.11.2008, 13:41
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