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Alt 08.01.2009, 10:22
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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New ELVIS 75 project by EPE

From the official press release on www.elvis.com: "Elvis Presley’s life and career made an impact on entertainment and culture that is still being felt today. While millions of individuals have encountered Elvis through his music, movies and photographs, a lucky few were able to meet, work with or have a personal relationship with Elvis himself.

The archives department of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. is announcing this ambitious project to gather as many video interviews as possible with those who personally encountered Elvis.

“We hear many Elvis stories each week,” said Angie Marchese, director of EPE archives, “and this will enable us to preserve many of those stories for Elvis fans and rock historians in the future.” These videos will be cataloged and housed in the Graceland archives.

From now until Elvis' 75th birthday, in January 2010, videos will be gathered and, beginning on February 1, 2009, a new video will be added online each week on Elvis.com for the public to view.

If you encountered Elvis and have a story to share with the world, we would love to include you in this project.

Simply record your video, download and sign this release form and mail both to:

Elvis Presley Legacy Project

Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. Archives Department

3734 Elvis Presley Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38116

HDV or miniDV tape formats are preferred but any video format is acceptable. Please note, EPE will not be able to process or include videos that are sent without a signed and dated release form.
Alt Alt 08.01.2009, 10:22
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Alt 08.01.2009, 11:04
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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arrgh.. ich hoffte, dass sie etwas zum thema 1975 machen würden
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 08.01.2009, 11:10
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das war auch mein erster gedanke - schade
Alt 08.01.2009, 13:40
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Das ist doch wohl klar, dass EPE nichts über das Jahr 1975 bringt.
Alt 08.01.2009, 19:03
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Das sie on tour ausbringen instat dieses
Alt 08.01.2009, 20:17
vonSemering vonSemering ist offline
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Habe auch gleich an das Jahr 1975 gedacht als ich den Titel las wobei ich natürlich auch mehr als erstaunt war. Sein Geb-Tag kam mir erst in den Sinn als ich es im Text gelesen habe.


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