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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 01.02.2009, 14:00
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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Graceland to Open New Exhibits

In early March, Graceland will open three new exhibits.
Elvis in Hollywood will tell the story of how Elvis transitioned from singer to on-screen actor and
Elvis Lives: The King and Pop Culture will be an interactive exhibit that showcases Elvis’ impact on pop culture.
In addition, the Elvis Automobile Museum will get some new additions with a special display featuring Elvis'
Rolls Royce sedans and his 6-door Mercedes Benz limousine.

more info:
Elvis in Hollywood – slated for March 2009:
With 31 films to his name and box office smashes such as Love Me Tender and Jailhouse Rock, this new exhibit focuses on Elvis’ years in Tinsel Town and his success on the big screen. The exhibit tells the story of how Elvis transitioned from singer to on screen star and how he took Hollywood by storm to become its highest paid actor.
Also part of the exhibit will be memorabilia from his career on the silver screen including his wardrobe
(from Viva Las Vegas, Charro and Jailhouse Rock), personal scripts (featuring his own handwritten notes),
rare behind the scenes photos, personal copies of his own feature films, original movie and a variety of other
Elvis movie memorabilia.

Elvis Lives: The King and Pop Culture – slated for March 2009:
This interactive exhibit showcases Elvis in action as he entertains crowds in a stunning video presentation.
Visitors can also retrace Elvis’ impact on pop culture by taking a trip down an Elvis time line, test their knowledge
at an Elvis trivia kiosk and explore Elvis’ music through listening stations that features classics from
the King of Rock ‘N’ Roll. Also included is a display of Elvis collectibles from the 50s to some of today’s must
have memorabilia.

Elvis Presley Automobile Museum – slated for March 2009:
This Graceland exhibit celebrates new additions with a special display featuring both of Elvis' Rolls Royce sedans
and his 6-door Mercedes Benz limousine featured in the movie Elvis on Tour.

quelle: elvis.com
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