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Alt 19.08.2009, 14:23
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Lisa-Marie forbids Elvis ballet production

Lisa-Marie forbids Elvis ballet production

Peter Schaufuss Ballet's production on the life of the King has been forced to cancel by Lisa-Marie Presley over the way it portrays the music icon. Presley's addictions and messy divorce were featured in the production. The production has already been performed in Scandinavia.

Published: august 19th 2009 12:08 PM.
Source: examiner.com / Published by: ElvisMatters - David Hamal .
Alt Alt 19.08.2009, 14:23
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Alt 19.08.2009, 21:36
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Wer dänisch kann, kann hier nachlesen.
Lisa Marie ...
Alt 19.08.2009, 21:43
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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tja, ich kann mir die 70er songs in tütü und strumpfhosen auch nicht so recht vorstellen

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wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
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Alt 19.08.2009, 21:57
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tütü und strumpfhosen ...
... kommen da gar nicht vor.
Alt 20.08.2009, 01:15
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Presley's daughter forces Elvis ballet to close just before it opens

By Severin Carrell

Monday, 17 April 2000

A ballet about the life of Elvis Presley has been forced to cancel before it opened after complaints from a company run by the dead star's daughter.

The production, called The King, was due to open at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh tomorrow for a five-day run. It was then to have transferred to the Sadler's Wells theatre in London for a short season.

The Festival Theatre had already sold 200 tickets, but was warned of possible copyright problems by Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE), the company controlled by Lisa-Marie Presley, which owns Graceland, the singer's home in Memphis, Tennessee.

The production by the Peter Schauss Ballet, a Danish company, tells the story of the singer's rise to fame, the death of his mother Gladys, his traumatic divorce from his wife Priscilla, and his ultimately fatal abuse of drink and drugs.

Stephen Barry, the Festival Theatre's chief executive, said he had been told they would have to cancel the show because of possible legal implications over the portrayal of Elvis Presley.

Mr Barry added that the theatre would be seeking to make good its losses. He said: "Clearly there will be a financial loss, but hope we can reach an agreement without legal ramifications. As is our policy, all ticket holders will be entitled to a full refund."

The two-hour ballet, which features original music by Elvis Presley, has already played to full houses in Scandinavia where it opened last year. But it is now expected that the company will have to rework the production to comply with EPE's wishes.

The company, which has some copyright controls over the use of Elvis Presley's image, work and estate, is said to have been unhappy with some of the scenes. Despite negotiations with its producers, EPE stopped the ballet from opening.

Sid Shaw, who won a drawn-out battle with EPE in 1998 over his use of Elvis Presley's name and his right to sell Elvis Presley souvenirs, said EPE was wrong to have taken such action. Mr Shaw, who owns the Elvisly Yours Store, said: "The show is putting Elvis on a new plane, it's no longer just karaoke, he is part of the world of art and ballet.

"EPE should be bending over backwards to encourage this type of production."
Alt 20.08.2009, 09:08
marquardt72 marquardt72 ist offline
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tja, ich kann mir die 70er songs in tütü und strumpfhosen auch nicht so recht vorstellen

Und jetzt stell Dir mal den 77er-Elvis in Tütü und Strumpfhosen vor(obwohl er selbst da laut einigen männlichen(?) Fans noch supergut aussah)...
Alt 20.08.2009, 09:19
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Bring mir die Imis hier nicht auf dumme Gedanken.
Du bist zeitlebends für das verantwortlich, was du dir vertraut gemacht hast.

* Antoine De Saint-Exupéry *
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ballet, forbids, lisamarie, production

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