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Elvis Presley Elvis Presley - Nachrichten | Aktuelles | Wissenswertes | Bemerkenswertes
Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 01.09.2009, 22:32
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Ancestors Of Elvis Aaron Presley - Revised


The book "Ancestors of Elvis Aaron Presley 50 Generations" has been re-issued in a revised and updated edition.
From the press-release:

If you are interested in the ancestral history of Elvis Presley, then this is the only book you will ever need! "Ancestors of Elvis Aaron Presley 50 Generations" Contains over 800 pages of information, thats over 300 more than the first Edition.

This revised edition has much more detailed sources and information than the previous Edition. You will not find a better genealogy for Elvis anywhere all in one place. The information contained in this book is incredibly sourced and detailed, tracing Elvis ancestors back to the 7th century AD. You can read more about this fascinating book and order your very own copy of "Ancestors of Elvis Aaron Presley 50 Generations" by going to the authors site here.

In addition to this book is the website, 'The Roots Of Elvis Presley', which for a small fee gives visitors an insight into the history of the Presley's, Smith's, Mansell's & Hood's along with family photo's. The above book and this site is all you need to learn all about the roots of Elvis Presley. Visit the 'Roots Of Elvis'.

Source: Various / Updated: Aug 27, 2009
Alt Alt 01.09.2009, 22:32
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