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Alt 08.12.2010, 00:01
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Egal, woher's kommt - das wird definitiv ein Buch, um das ich ausnahmsweise mal keinen großen Bogen machen werde ...
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Alt 29.12.2010, 22:02
Viva Las Vegas Viva Las Vegas ist offline
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Vinyl bootleg Book Update.

To let you all know. Right now every bit of updating, correcting and re-writing (if necessary) has been done.

We are now in the process of proof reading as well as starting the immense design work for it will be a pretty unique book.

We never thought to be able to collect such a wealth of information and so many never before seen or heard of vinyls and picture sleeves.

Therefore we just had to take a little more time to properly verify and to write down everything.

Besides the many entries dealing with Elvis bootleg vinyl, the book will contain a very detailed and informative story on Bootleg Elvis as well as quite a number of extraordinary stories from about every record pirate of importance.

Ever guessed how that 1980 "Million Dollar Quartet" album came all about? Well, wait, see and read... Do you want to know why the album "Elvis Is Alive And Well And ... Hey superrg, stop it!

Just to give you a little further information on what will await the reader for every entry, 45s, EPs, 78s and 10-inches, albums:

- Information on title, country of origin, at least year of release, company, catalogue number, pressing, edition or issue
- Information about the making of each sleeve / album cover
- Description of each front and back of cover, insert sheet, booklet, photo insert or else
- Information about the record itself (black, coloured, picture, and so on), label, matrix number
- Information on the real manufacturer, if publishing of the name is allowed
- Information on source of recording and sound quality rating
- Detailed listing of contents as printed on the bootleg
- Additional information dealing with recording locations, dates, showtimes for live recordings and take numbers for studio material
- Summary that does not only deal with the contents of the particular record but that also provides a little more insight information to it
- Every entry has a picture of the according cover or record with the exception of a handful at max items that we could not yet track down.

Depending on how quickly we can proceed, proof-reading everything, correcting everything and checking all information, dates and so on again, the book will come out in Summer 2011 earliest.

We will keep you updated on our works. Please allow us the time necessary to come up with a perfect as ever possible final product that would probably never be matched.

We want it to be a priceless item that we all who work on the project put our hearts into.

And to all of you who will buy the book, all waiting will be worthwile.

Source: epgold
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Alt 03.08.2011, 10:24
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From the publisher’s desk

Dear Elvis collector,

Dear Elvis fan,

After weeks, better said months, where you did not get any information about the doings of our giant Elvis book, we are very pleased to announce that we are on the final stretch, adding last minute information, doing corrections and a final proof reading that will lead us into graphical designing by September.

In April 2012 this most extensive, informative and hopefully also very enjoyable book, to be simply titled Bootleg Elvis, will be made available to all of you with an undying love for the good old (illicit) vinyl records of Elvis Presley.

To get you all a little bit excited about the finalization of our book nearing, we are so happy and proud to inaugurate our own - aptly titled - website: www.bootleg-elvis.com.

Even with this website being fully accessible towards the end of the year only - keeping you further updated and giving you a chance to pre-order this unique book - the homepage does give you a little hint of what an amazing production will await you, come springtime.

*** If you feel like you have that unique record or useful information still needed for inclusion in our book, please do immediately contact the publisher or author as certain deathlines are now quickly coming up - either pm SUPERRG or SUPERKA77. Thanks. ***

Source; Email / EpGold

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
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Alt 03.08.2011, 14:45
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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wär´s möglich, den thread-titel zu ändern?

ausserdem müsst es hier ja bereits irgendwo eine (buch)ankündigung dazu geben
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wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 03.08.2011, 15:13
Benutzerbild von Herbi
Herbi Herbi ist offline

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..was ist den am thread-titel nicht okay !?

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
Alt 03.08.2011, 15:17
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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dass keine sau (sorry) weiss, worum´s eigentlich geht

und ein titel, der gross den begriff bootleg enthält, sieht auch nicht sooo toll in einem *offiziellen* forum aus

kurz: der zusatz *italian book* (o.ä.) wär vielleicht ganz hilfreich

gefunden http://elvisnachrichten.de/showthrea...=bootleg+vinyl
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast

Geändert von burroughs (03.08.2011 um 15:24 Uhr)
Alt 03.08.2011, 15:40
Benutzerbild von Herbi
Herbi Herbi ist offline

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..ach so !! ...so gesehen hast du natürlich recht !!

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
Alt 05.08.2011, 16:10
Loverdoll Loverdoll ist offline
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Elvis Vinyl Bootleg Book

A new website promises a giant book on Elvis' Vinyl Bootleg releases. The authors are very pleased to announce that they are on the final stretch, adding last minute information, doing corrections and a final proof reading that will lead us into graphical designing by September.
In April 2012 this most extensive, informative and hopefully also very enjoyable book, to be simply titled Bootleg Elvis, will be made available to all of you with an undying love for the good old (illicit) vinyl records of Elvis Presley.
All the covers are printed in full color! 1000+ pics of Elvis vinyl bootlegs over 500 pages. And over twenty stories from the original bootleggers telling how they made these original boots back in the 70s and 80s.

Source: Elvis Information Network / Updated: Aug 4, 2011
Alt 05.08.2011, 16:23
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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abgesehen von dem foto wissen wir das seit herbi´s vorletztem posting
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wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 05.08.2011, 16:33
Loverdoll Loverdoll ist offline
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Ja,ja , ich hab es wegen dem Foto eingestellt , weiß man was das Buch kostet?

bootlegs, buch, vinyl

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