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Alt 09.01.2009, 12:51
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Da hat sich der Hund wahrscheinlich erschrocken
Alt Alt 09.01.2009, 12:51
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Alt 09.01.2009, 12:53
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Zitat von Dayne Beitrag anzeigen

Da hat sich der Hund wahrscheinlich erschrocken
Alt 09.01.2009, 12:53
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Zitat von Dayne Beitrag anzeigen
Da hat sich der Hund wahrscheinlich erschrocken
der scheint sich sein Gesicht aber auch n büschen 'verschönert' lassen zu haben.
Alt 09.01.2009, 12:53
Benutzerbild von Gilla
Gilla Gilla ist offline

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Zitat von Rev.Gerhard Beitrag anzeigen
*The genius of Elvis Presley was in his music, but the magic was in his voice*
Alt 09.01.2009, 12:55
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Man kann auch sagen - Das Bild ist Tierquälerei
Alt 09.01.2009, 12:56
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Gilla Gilla ist offline

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Elvis sah für meine Begriffe aber besser aus....

*The genius of Elvis Presley was in his music, but the magic was in his voice*
Alt 09.01.2009, 13:01
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Zitat von Gilla Beitrag anzeigen
Elvis sah für meine Begriffe aber besser aus....

Da hst du recht
Alt 09.01.2009, 16:10
barbara barbara ist offline
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Larry King:

Geändert von barbara (09.01.2009 um 16:18 Uhr)
Alt 09.01.2009, 19:19
barbara barbara ist offline
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Alt 09.01.2009, 22:25
Vany Vany ist offline
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Vany eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
January 7, 2009

Greetings everyone.
It is difficult to believe that 2009 is here. Where did time go? The great part, as you all have read, is that Lisa has given birth to the most adorable and precious twin girls. Michael and Lisa are such hands-on parents. It's beautiful to observe. Christmas seems to have so much more meaning when you have children. It is a delightful experience to see it through their eyes. Even though so young they were mystified by all the colorful lights and soo many of them. It's going to be fun watching them grow up together. An experience we are all looking forward to.

Since Dancing With The Stars I have been inundated with mail from all over the world, more than usual. I want to personally thank you for all your words of encouragement and support. Some of you have asked if I have kept off the weight I lost. The answer: I am desperately trying! It was such a rigorous schedule of working out and hours of it that it is impossible to maintain on a daily schedule. I lost 6 lbs and I would love to keep it off. Louie (my dance partner) introduced me to a wonderful Pilates teacher while I was on the show and I have kept up with it. I have found that it is the best exercise for me.

In many of your letters you ask if I enjoyed doing the show? I have to say it was one of the most challenging experiences I have ever been faced with. I have a much better understanding of what it means when one says, you have to " rise to the occasion." I learned a lot about myself, about my competitors, about learning something new, about patience, tolerance and how, when you shine, others around you shine too. Yes, I enjoyed the experience, in every way.

Since my last letter to you I traveled to Cairo, Egypt for the Cairo Film Festival. There I met the most interesting people. It was my first trip to the Middle East and my eyes were once again opened. I wish I could have stayed a little longer, I feel a bit cheated as there was so much to consume. Bottom line; we all want the same thing, PEACE!

I am going to be in Memphis on the 8th Elvis' birthday. We are introducing our new additions, Max, a rescue horse who we adopted last Jan. He was going to be shown on his birthday then, but he developed founder, an internal inflammation and soreness of the feet, on the way to Graceland from Maine. The trip was quite a feat for him as he traveled 15 hrs .and they had to stop and have him rest and treated for a week so.. he missed the birthday. We also, just adopted a 10 month old rescued colt named Bandit. They both have quite a story and we are fortunate to be able to have them live the rest of their lives at Graceland very well taken care of and loved. This is exciting for Lisa and I as we want to carry out the tradition of having the grounds roomed by these beautiful animals as they did when Elvis was alive.

If you get a chance, watch E.T. and Larry King on Thurs. New things at Graceland.

My best to all,

Quelle: http://priscillapresley.com/lounge.php

fotos, priscilla

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