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Alt 04.05.2006, 00:06
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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One afternoon,my family and I was taking a Sunday drive down
highway 51,which is now EP Blvd..I really don't remember where we had
been or where we was going.. I was about 12...Anyways-We were sitting at
a red light and guess who pulled up next to us? Yes,it was Elvis.. I
thought I was dreaming.. My sister, being the oldest and the shy one,was
sitting on the side that Elvis was on...He smile at us and wave and said
how ya'll doing.... My sister,turned her head cause she was
embarrassed...Elvis,just kept waving because my sister face was so
red---Elvis just kept on trying to flirt with her and her face was
turning 10 shades of red...You could tell he was doing this because she
was so embarrassed..She finally looked back at him and he blow her a
kiss and he was laughing so hard at her...

I was doing my best to crawl over my sister to get to him but the
darn light turned green and my sister wouldn't move over.. He drive by
us for a few mins and then drove off....My dad wouldn't follow him and
Elvis was driving faster then my dad :(

Elvis had the prettiest blue eyes...Just looking into Elvis' eyes just
did something to you, like a trance....Oh my- He was sooooo good
looking.....He was the best looking person I have ever seen....I don't
think there is a word for his good looks...I didn't even know what kind
of car he was driving.. All I could see was how gorgeous he was.....

Lena (a fan)
Alt Alt 04.05.2006, 00:06
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Alt 04.05.2006, 00:10
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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I was there for years, so it is sometimes hard to pick a story.
Elvis sat about half way down the theatre, and about middle ways of
the isle. They would set a tv tray beside him. There was always an
ashtray, his cigars, Mountain Valley spring water, a flashlight, and
other items on the tray. I have even seen him place his gun on the tray.
One night we had finished watching the first movie, had taken a
break in the lobby, and had sat down to watch the second movie.
Priscilla was still there at the time, and sitting next to him. The
movie started, and it had a VERY long intro. It kept showing these three
airline stewardess' walking through an airport. It was showinging them
from behind and they had on these REAL short mini skirts. Remember, this
is the early '70's. This scene went on and on. They have bags in both
hands. When they get to the airlines desk, they bend over to set their
bags down. You can guess what a sight this was. The name of the film
then appeared on the screen. I am 99.9% sure it was, " Swedish Fly
Girls". Sometimes when Esudden
Priscilla grabbed the flashlight and shined it on the screen and the
movie stopped. Elvis was laughing his head off.
I always swore that someday I woud find that film and rent it, to
see what I missed.
Another movie was put on and the viewing contnued.
Man how I miss Elvis.
Steve Kelly
Alt 04.05.2006, 00:12
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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I sat right behind,
and to Elvis' right, in the movies. I sat with Charlie and a lady named
Doris Jones. I could have put out my left arm and placed it on Elvis'
right shoulder. Shirley Connell was there and she can vouch for me.
It was about my fifth time to go to the movies, and we were about
ten minutes into the first movie when I feft water hit my face. The
Memphain was an old move house, and at that time in a real bad part of
town. I thought the roof was leaking. I looked around and it didn't seem
to be leaking anywhere else. Alll of a sudden I felt more water. Again,
I looked around and everyone was gluded to the screen. Then it dawned on
me that it wasn't raining when we came in. Then all of a sudden more
water. I thought maybe the airconditioner was leaking. Again, more
water. Then it dawned on me that it was winter, and there wouldn't be an
airconditiner on. Alll of a sudden I looked at Elvis, and he was slowly
comig over his right shoulder with a water pistol. He saw that I had
caught him, and just died laughting. He looked at me so serious and
said, " I have a permit to carry this."
Steve Kelly
Alt 04.05.2006, 00:23
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And again many thanks for that, Marie...diese kurzen Geschichten sind sehr interessant und symphatisch...
Alt 04.05.2006, 00:23
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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This is one of my most special memories.

It was summer in Memphis in the early 70s. And you who go to Memphis often,
can relate to how very very hot and humid it is in that city that time of year.
We were out at the pool, four or five other people were there also, in addition
to Linda Thompson and Elvis.
I was cooling off in the pool, and had swam to the east side of the deep
end of the pool and was resting there a moment with my arms up on the concrete
keeping me from floating back into the water. A few of the guys were standing
over to the side talking, a few more people were in the water in the shallow
end splashing around, and directly in front of me Elvis lay stretched out on
his lawn chair. Linda had gotten in the water to cool off.
Elvis, strangely enough for some to believe, had on his black pajama bottoms
and a short white robe with black and red designs all over it...if I remember
correctly they were oriental looking designs.
Anyway, I was looking at him all decked out in those pjs and robe thinking
how on earth could he stand the heat, and then I looked at his face. His eyes
were closed, his face tilted up toward the sun and yes, there were a few beads
of sweat running down the side of his face, but he didnt seem to mind, he
didn't look uncomfortable at all. In fact, he looked at peace and very serene.
For some reason that just touched me. I just quietly watched his face for a
little while, knowing you just don't get to see people that unguarded like a
sleeping child unless it's a situation where they are truly relaxed, or unless
they are indeed sleeping. And sometimes even in sleep people arent that serene.
The mental picture of his face that day touched me, and will stay for me the
rest of my life.
Alt 04.05.2006, 00:29
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Elvis and the fan stories? That's an almost endless topic.! I think one of
my favorite incidents happened in Vegas. There was a family that lived in
town-mom and her two daughters-who wanted to see his show but couldn't afford
tickets. They came to the hotel every night just to kind of take in the whole
Elvis atmosphere.

I have no idea how it came to be but one evening they were up in the suite
after the show.
They sat on the couch with Elvis for the longest time talking and I noticed
they were at every show for the rest of the week and they had darn good seats
too. He mentioned (not to them) that he knew what it felt like to want to see
a performance or performer so bad and the only thing holding you back was

This family was SOOO ThRILLED it just gave you goose bumps. You should have
seen them oooh and aaaah at the suite and Elvis was just proud as a peacock
showing them thru every room and then taking them on the balcony so they could
look out over Vegas. He wasn't "bragging" either....he was"sharing" and he
kept hugging them all ! They also went away with albums, scarves, and a ton
of other things! I'm not sure who was happier - the family or Elvis! I took
their photo with Elvis at his request and they were sent copies. If by any
chance that mother and her two daughters are reading this - e-mail me!! :))

I see there's alot of comparison going on between some other performers and
their attitude towards fans. Living in LA it's not at all unusual to come
across celebrities whether you're looking for them or not. Most look right
thru you and heaven forbid you should approach them. Elvis by contrast almost
seemed to seek out the fans at times and was always willing to stop and talk.
On the rare ocasions when he couldn't, he'd apologize. The amount of nonsense
he put up with was amazing sometimes.

Alt 04.05.2006, 00:37
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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I remember a story (the 70s) where there were two "heavyset" women who came to
Vegas, and they saw Elvis in the International Hotel.

Sonny and Red were making fun of the women silently, so the women couldn't hear
them. But, Elvis did. When the got upstairs, Elvis was so mad and humiliated
that he gave Sonny and Red the dress-down of a lifetime. He told Red and Sonny
that they were to never make fun of his fans like that again. Elvis went back
downstairs and gave each woman a kiss and a scarf. He then had Red and Sonny
treat the women to dinner.

Sonny and Red never mistreated the fans like that again

Alt 04.05.2006, 00:38
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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I never really considered Joe Security. Dick, Red, Sonny and a few others over
the years were security. I agree that sometimes they took their jobs a little
too seriously but remember, that WAS their job. I know Dick practically
grabbed my camera out of my hand backstage once telling me photos were not
allowed. Elvis told him to knock it off and that was the last problem I had
with him. Sometimes I think they just liked the drama aspect of their jobs
because Elvis seemed to be perfectly capable of taking care of his own
situations when it came to the fans. Most fans- except for the few that would
get truly hysterical-behaved themselves. The good thing is, whenever Elvis
witnessed unecessary tactics by the security, he stopped it immediately. Did
they ever give you a bad time? Just curious.

Sandi Miller.
Alt 04.05.2006, 00:45
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Eva Eva ist offline
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Schade, dass ich nichts davon verstehe.............
Alt 04.05.2006, 01:05
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Zitat von Eva
Schade, dass ich nichts davon verstehe.............
Da bin ich wenigstens nicht alleine!!!


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