I will always love you
Verwunden mein Herz mit eintöniger Mattigkeit
23. April 1998 - 20. November 2006
29. September 2006 - 22. September 2022 - I'll be with you always!
quelle: EPGOLD.com
In an interview with CMT producer Jeremy Thacker about the 'Greatest Moments' of her career, Dolly Parton revealed how Elvis nearly recorded her famous song.
Dolly Parton: "I hesitated to tell it for a long time because I thought maybe people would not take it right, because it was about Elvis. But Elvis loved "I Will Always Love You," and he wanted to record it.
I got the word that he was going to record it, and I was so excited. I told everybody I knew, "Elvis is going to record my song. You're not going to believe who's recording my song.
" It's like one of those things I told everybody. I thought it was a done deal because he sent word that he loved it and he was doing it.They got to town and they called and asked if I wanted to come to the session - and, of course, I was going to go.
Then Colonel Parker gets on the phone and said, "You know, I really love this song," and I said, "You cannot imagine how excited I am about this.
This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me as a songwriter." He said, "Now you know we have a rule that Elvis don't record anything that we don't take half the publishing." And I was really quiet.
I said, "Well, now it's already been a hit. I wrote it and I've already published it. And this is the stuff I'm leaving for my family when I'm dead and gone.That money goes in for stuff for my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews, so I can't give up half the publishing.
" And he said, "Well then, we can't record it." I guess they thought since they already had it prepared and already had it ready, that I would give in. I said, "I'm really sorry," and I cried all night.
I mean, it was like the worst thing. You know, it's like, "Oh, my God ... Elvis Presley."
And other people were saying, "You're nuts. It's Elvis Presley. I mean, hell, I'd give him all of it.
" I said, "I can't do that. Something in my heart says, 'Don't do that.'" And I just didn't do it, and they just didn't do it. But I always wondered what it would sound like. I know he'd kill it.
But anyway he never got to record it. Then when Whitney Houston's version came out, I made enough money to buy Graceland!
This complete revelation from Dolly Parton In an interview with CMT producer Jeremy Thacker "how Elvis nearly recorded her famous song"..... was already revealed with even more indepth information on this issue on last year released DVD in 2005 Adrenaline Vol 2!!!Kommentar
Ja, aber nicht wegen dem Lied an sich, sondern weil die Rechte daran nicht bei der Haus- und Hoffirma, also Hill & Range lagen, da mussten erst, auch durch Fokussierung seitens Elvis Presley, die Rechte unter Dach und Fach gebracht werden. :regeln:
Wer könnte sich heutzutage Elvis Presley ohne einer seiner größten Trademark Songs auch nur im Entferntesten vorstellen?Kommentar
Es ging nicht nur um "I Will Always Love You". Elvis wollte auch noch "Coat Of Many Colors" von Dolly Parton (1971) aufnehmen. Eigentlich schade, dass so manches nicht geklappt hat. Aber wir können uns nicht beklagen, bei keinem anderen Sänger hat so viel geklappt.
Das Magazin - www.goldenboyelvis.deKommentar
Ich denke, Elvis hätte ihn nicht aufnehmen wollen wenn der Song nicht zu ihm gepasst hätte. Ich glaube, dass er beim ersten Anhören Ideen hatte, was er aus einem Song machen würde. Und letztendlich wäre auch dieser Song ein "Elvis-Song" geworden.Would you sign me an autograph? - Sure, Honey!
Wenn Elvis gewollt hätte dann hätte er den Song auch eingespielt. Was hätte ihn den hintern können ? nichts. Er hätte den Song covern können so wie er das auch bei X anderen Titel gemacht hat. Er hatte keine Lust darauf u. somit wurde nichts daraus.Kommentar