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Alles über den King of Rock 'n' Roll


Alt 23.06.2006, 20:18
Benutzerbild von michael grasberger
michael grasberger michael grasberger ist offline
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Zitat von Master Sniper
Elvis hatte schon recht als er bei der Verleihung des Jaycees Award 1971 sagte:

"I learned very early in life that,
without a song, the day would
never end; without a song, a man
ain´t got a friend; without a song,
the road would never bend-with-
out a song..."
das kann wohl jeder unterschreiben, der musik wirklich liebt.
ich kann mich da voll identifizieren. musik ist nicht nur ein hobby oder eine zerstreuung, sondern etwas, das einen durchs leben geleitet. bob dylan sagte mal über johnny cash, er sei wie der nordstern, nach dem man sein schiff steuern könne...
ich hab kürzlich das in "what happened" abgedruckte letzte telefonat von elvis mit red west wiedergelesen, und mich hat dabei besonders berührt, wie sehr elvis immer wieder auf songs rekurriert, texte zitiert und sie auf seine lebenssituation bezieht. der mann hat echt in der musik gelebt.

"We know that rock'n'roll was not a human invention, that it was the work of the Holy Ghost."
(Nick Tosches)
Alt Alt 23.06.2006, 20:18
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Alt 23.06.2006, 20:25
Benutzerbild von Hound_Dog
Hound_Dog Hound_Dog ist offline
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Top!: Bridge Over Troubled Water und zum rocken Polk Salad Annie!
Alt 23.06.2006, 20:26
Benutzerbild von Butchgirl
Butchgirl Butchgirl ist offline
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Butchgirl eine Nachricht über MSN schicken
Sleep - Melissa Etheridge

After your laughter like thunder
After your skin like coffee and cream
After it takes our bodies into the night
After we've come to the extreme

I want to lay down on your shoulder
Just inside your arm
I want to listen to your heart beat
And your breathing on and on
I want to lay down on your shoulder
Surrender to your peace
And go to sleep

And when we've gone a million miles
Made true our dreams with sweat and bone
After we've built it up with our bare hands
Made strong a place we can call home

And when the light in my eye is fading
When running water becomes too deep
Finally angels turn my fire to dust
And when my soul's no longer mine to keep

I want to lay down on your shoulder
Just inside your arm
I want to listen to your heartbeat
And your breathing on and on
I want to lay down on your shoulder
Surrender to the peace
And just go to sleep
Alt 23.06.2006, 20:32
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Zitat von Butchgirl
Sleep - Melissa Etheridge

After your laughter like thunder
After your skin like coffee and cream
After it takes our bodies into the night
After we've come to the extreme

I want to lay down on your shoulder
Just inside your arm
I want to listen to your heart beat
And your breathing on and on
I want to lay down on your shoulder
Surrender to your peace
And go to sleep

And when we've gone a million miles
Made true our dreams with sweat and bone
After we've built it up with our bare hands
Made strong a place we can call home

And when the light in my eye is fading
When running water becomes too deep
Finally angels turn my fire to dust
And when my soul's no longer mine to keep

I want to lay down on your shoulder
Just inside your arm
I want to listen to your heartbeat
And your breathing on and on
I want to lay down on your shoulder
Surrender to the peace
And just go to sleep
Ach Gott, das ist wirklich schön....:traurig:
Alt 23.06.2006, 20:40
Benutzerbild von Butchgirl
Butchgirl Butchgirl ist offline
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Zitat von Goblin
Ach Gott, das ist wirklich schön....:traurig:
Ja hat auch einen ganz besondere Bedeutung fuer meine Frau und mich.

Ist mehr als nur ein Lied...
Alt 23.06.2006, 20:41
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Niemals geht man so ganz von Trude Herr.
Alt 23.06.2006, 20:42
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Sehr schön, dieser Text macht mich gerade ganz emotional....
Alt 23.06.2006, 21:14
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Nikka Costa-Push and Pull

Mr. Nothing´s got a lot
He´s got a lot to say
He´s good at beeing what he´s not
Gives nothing away
Another day goes on by
And he never speaks his heart
He takes his chance with what he´s got
It´s too late now to stop

You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It´s tying you up while you´re fadin
You give an you take and take what you got
Round and round till it breaks and
You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It´s tying you up while you´re fadin into your lie

Mr. Nothing is late
He´s running out of time
He questions whether chance or fate will ever show a sign
Looks to the sky above
For a glimpse of what it means
And never never never make
Make no sense to him

You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It´s tying you up while you´re fadin
You give and you take and take what you got
Round and round till it breaks and
You push and you pull and struggle with the knot
It´s tying you up while you´re fadin into your lie

You push and you pull it

Alt 23.06.2006, 21:59
Benutzerbild von TheKing
TheKing TheKing ist offline
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And the grass won`t pay no mind....der Text ist einfach zu schön.....

Listen easy, you can hear God calling
Walking barefoot by the stream
Come on to me, Your hair's softly falling
On my face as in a dream
And the time will be our time
And the grass won't pay no mind

Saying nothing, lying where the sun is
Baking down upon our sides
My lips touch you, with their soft wet kisses
Your hands gentle in reply
And the time will be our time
And the grass won't pay no mind

Child, touch my soul with your cries
And the music will know what we've found
I, hear a hundred good-byes
But today I hear only one sound
The moment we're living is now
Now now now now now now now

Das ist die beste Strophe->

Young bird flying, and a soft wind blowing
Cools the sweat inside my palms
Close my eyes, hear the flowers growing
As you lay sleeping in my arms
And the time will be our time
And the grass won't pay no mind
No the grass won't pay no mind
Ohne Worte!

Geändert von TheKing (23.06.2006 um 22:04 Uhr)
Alt 23.06.2006, 22:30
Benutzerbild von prosine1977
prosine1977 prosine1977 ist offline
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prosine1977 Renommee-Level 2%
Hallo !
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain / Solitaire / It's Midnight .....
Das sind Songs die mich persönlich emotional ansprechen! !!!


ansprechen, emotional, jedesmal, persönlich, schwer, songs

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