New Elvis museum

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  • burroughs

    • 09.02.2004
    • 56302

    der pinke caddy..
    ist das der, der gegenüber von graceland im automobil-museum steht
    Hinweis in eigener Sache:
    wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast


    • jack77

      • 06.02.2007
      • 5379

      Zitat von burroughs
      der pinke caddy..
      ist das der, der gegenüber von graceland im automobil-museum steht
      nein, der ist das nicht
      w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / R O S S i m R A D I O 1


      • gast-20110425

        Zitat von Oliwa
        Was ist dein MOODY BLUE?
        Oliwa, schäm dich!

        Das wird ein geiles Ding

        Also nimm dir am 08.01.2015 nix vor. Da feiern wir Eröffnung!


        • Elvispankow
          Gehört zum Inventar

          • 20.06.2008
          • 3157

          Ich finde es toll, wenn man Träume hat. Rossi hat sie.
          Ich wünsche ihm bei der Umsetzung ein gutes Händchen. Die Lage und das potentielles Publikum sind entscheidend. Aber das weiß er selber, ohne dass ich es sage...
          Übrigens, ich kann mich gerne mal in Pankow nach geeigneten Lokalitäten umschauen...
          Ich komme dann mindestens 3 mal die Woche...


          • jack77

            • 06.02.2007
            • 5379

            Zitat von Elvispankow
            Ich komme dann mindestens 3 mal die Woche...
            Schweinkram - gemeldet
            w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / R O S S i m R A D I O 1


            • Linchen
              Gehört zum Inventar

              • 14.09.2008
              • 2846

              boah was für Preise????? da wird mir aber schlecht wenn ich das lese
              Glücklich wie noch nie


              • PatrickVaals
                Gehört zum Inventar

                • 15.01.2008
                • 1709

                Tour Bus to be used as Taxi? It looks as if the owners of the nex museum-to-be in Tupelo have money worries on their mind... Not only are they thinking of selling Elvis' '57 Cadillac and a necklace - two center pieces of the museum - they are also giving the idea a thought of using JD Sumner's TCB Tour bus as a taxi to and from Tupelo/Memphis. Here's the full email that we received:

                We regrettably have to inform you, the President and your fellow Fan Club Members, and the "World Population", the following:

                The "Financial Backer" that accepted a "Promissory Note" that the "Charitable Foundation" would pay him back from the "monies" we make from "Fans" visiting and touring on the "TCB Tour Bus", itsel is now holding the "TCB Tour Bus Hostage".

                The "Financial Backer, Mr. X", has "changed his mind" on our "agreement" to pay him back over time and 50/50 on any monies made from showings of the "TCB Tour Bus".


                1. At Casinos

                2. At Car and/or Bus Dealerships

                3. At Concerts

                And/or the following:

                Our admission price to "climb aboard and take your picture in the driver's seat or in Elvis' favorite seat is only $10.00 US per person".

                We were also considering charging $50.00 a person to "ride" on the "TCB Tour Bus" from our "museum, the Tupelo Hardware Store, birthplace, and other local sites for only $50.00 per person". Note: We must have a minimum of 10 people "per trip" due to operating cost of the "TCB Tour Bus".

                We were also considering taking "groups" from "Tupelo to Memphis and back to Tupelo" for "$150.00 per person", with a minimum group of say 15 people. The bus can hold 20 people per trip.

                However the "Financial Backer, Mr. X" is "Demanding Immediate Payment", and the "Financial Backer, Mr. X" "will not" let us take the "TCB Tour Bus" off "The Financial Backer Mr. X's Property" to let "individuals and/or rather Elvis Fans" "climb aboard and tour the bus".

                How are we suppose to now make the "money" to pay "The Financial Backer Mr. X", off?

                The following ways are just ideas:

                1. Financial help and support through "donations" from individuals, die-hard-Elvis-Fans, Elvis Fan Clubs, and if you know of any other foundations/charities, and/or corporate sponsors.

                2. Selling of our beautiful 15.6 acres of land that is zoned for:

                A. Large Residential Development

                B. Major Conditional Usage as a Cemetery

                C. Ideal location for a hotel and/or Target

                D. Ideal location for a theme park.

                3. In worse case scenario, "for sell" the "Elvis', J.D. Sumner's, Glen Tadlock, (Elvis and J.D. Sumner's bus driver and owner of bus after J.D. Sumner), the "Kentucky Headhunters", the "Fantasia Museum", the "Professional Sports Hall of Fame Inc. Museum", and now "Legacy Hall of Fame, Inc.'s" bus".

                You see the bus recently appraised in the "millions of dollars" and we'd rather "sell it" than let the "Financial Backer Mr. X" "steal the bus" for the "monies owed".

                4. We also offer up "for sale" "Elvis' 1957 Pink & Black Cadillac", "documentation and verification included that the Cadillac was in fact Elvis Presley', personal Cadillac and that Elvis "drove it".

                5. We will sell, "Elvis' Karate Medallion Necklace" if we have too, just to raise the "monies" needed to keep the "Financial Backer, Mr. X" from "owning" the "Elvis and J.D. Sumner's TCB Tour Bus".

                Published: october 23rd 2009 08:53 PM.
                Source: Email / Published by: ElvisMatters - Peter Verbruggen . Reproduction of this news item is granted, on condition of reference to the source:


                • burroughs

                  • 09.02.2004
                  • 56302

                  sockenschuss anyone?

                  tupelo-memphis-tupelo im ehemaligen Stamps-tourbus um 150$ pro nase?
                  sorry, aber selbst beim derzeitigen dollar-kurs ist das immer noch fan-verarsche hoch 10
                  Hinweis in eigener Sache:
                  wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast


                  • gast-20111607

                    Irgendwelche Trottel finden sich immer, auch dafür.


                    • PatrickVaals
                      Gehört zum Inventar

                      • 15.01.2008
                      • 1709

                      New Celebrity Exhibits At Presley Heights Museum

                      Now has on display the following vehicles and extremely rare memorabilia from several celebrities:

                      The Blues Brothers Car from the movie Blues Brothers

                      The Wayne's World Blue AMC Pacer Car from the movie Wayne's World

                      The Mega Force Movie Car from the movie Mega Force

                      Elvis Presley's 1957 Pink & Black Cadillac, Note: However it needs "restoring".

                      Bing Crosby's Memorabilia Collection

                      Soon on display will be the return of the "Elvis Presley and J.D. Sumner Tour Bus" compliments of our friend/s.

                      Presley Heights Museum had to cancel their "Double Elvis Show" due to circumstances beyond their control. The organization had to fly to Yakima, Washington to pick up some "movie cars" and more "rare memorabilia" for "Presley Heights Museum", located in East Tupelo, Mississippi, near the birthplace of Elvis Presley. However, this is good "NEWS" to all the fans around the world.
                      They also tell us, "Any and all "misunderstandings are being worked out", so that you the "fan" can soon view the famous "Elvis Presley and J.D. Sumner T.C.B. Tour Bus" can enjoy."

                      Presley Hieghts Museum also said, "To our"friend/s" we simply say "Thank You, Thank You Very Much", as "Elvis", would say. Also to you "Wonderful and Generous Elvis Fans" and a "special thanks" to the "Presidents" of the fan clubs that helped us get the word out to the fans, other individuals, and media, around the world, we want to thank each and every one of you personally."

                      We thank "all" that have sent in "donations" of "no less than $5.00 U.S. and $10.00 U.S.", to "Presley Heights Museum", at: both and/or, and/or and/or mailed to:

                      Legacy Hall of Fame, Inc., a 501 3 (c) Charitable Foundations:

                      Bill & Linda Kinard Legacy Hall of Fame, Inc. Presley Height Museum
                      Legacy Hall of Fame, Inc. 100 Briar Ridge Road P.O. Box 376
                      P.O. Box 376 Tupelo, MS 38804 Tupelo, MS 38802
                      Tupelo, MS 38802

                      (662) 620-9966 (662) 620-9966 (662) 620-9966

                      Thank You Thank You Thank You
                      You read it FIRST at!


                      • burroughs

                        • 09.02.2004
                        • 56302

                        das wird ja immer peinlicher
                        erst keine kohle für das, was schon bestellt ist, und dann will er noch jede menge NEUER sachen ausstellen
                        Hinweis in eigener Sache:
                        wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast


                        • PatrickVaals
                          Gehört zum Inventar

                          • 15.01.2008
                          • 1709

                          Dan kommen vielleicht noch andere leute wie nur Elvis fans

