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Thema: Charlie Hodge Lungenkrebs????

  1. #11
    Registriert seit
    Charlie jetzt ins Krankenhaus.

    According to the Danish Elvis Unlimited site Elvis’ long time friend, army budy and guitarist Charlie Hodge has now been hospitalized due to his cancer illness. Charlie has been fighting cancer for some time.Source: Elvis Unlimited / Updated: Feb 27, 2006

  2. #12
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Herbi
    ....ich wünscht deinem Vater, Charlie Hodge und allen anderen Menschen auf dieser Welt die an einer schlimmen Krankheit leiden, dass Gott ihnen Kraft gibt und ihnen hilft so das sie wieder gesund werden !!
    Da kann man sich nur anschließen.

  3. #13
    Registriert seit
    Posted by bill burk on 2/28/2006, 12:27 pm

    I notice all kinds of reports are flying on the Elvis newsgroups relating to Charlie Hodge, so here is the straight poop, right out of Pigeon Forge, TN, as of 12.50 p.m., Tuesday, 28 February.

    Charlie suffered a reaction to the radiation treatments he's been undergoing and it was bothering his eating. He was hospitalized and the problem was found immediately. For precaution, Sir Chaz was kept in the hospital a couple of extra days.

    Charlie went home yesterday. While he wanted to return to the stage at Memories Theater immediately, he's being asked, for his own good, to rest at home for a couple of weeks.

    The doctors said, after X-rays, that Sir Chaz is showing "some improvement."

    He will undergo another scan in about two weeks.

    It wouldn't be Charlie otherwise, but while in pain in the beginning of his hospital stay, I'm told he kept the nurses laughing.

    It can't get any straighter than this.


    Bill E. Burk
    Publisher, Elvis World Magazine

  4. #14
    Registriert seit

  5. #15
    Registriert seit
    Duisburg, NRW
    Oh nein

    :traurig: ich hab gehofft, daß ers schafft

    MIr fehlen die Worte.

    Er ist jetzt wieder bei Elvis ...
    ...Bei leichten Depressionen hilft ein Bad mit ätherischen Ölen, bei schweren Depressionen ein Bad mit Fön.

  6. #16
    Registriert seit


    Ich habe auch seo sehr gehofft,das Charlie es schafft!!!

    Nun ist er wieder mit Elvis vereint

    Ja,auch mir fehlen die Worte

  7. #17
    Registriert seit
    Charlie Hodge has died: Following several unconfirmed reports during the day, Charmaine Voisine has sent us this sad message, subsequently confirmed by Marty Lacker: It is with a very sad heart that I have to pass on to all Elvis fans around the world that a very close friend and confidante, Charlie Hodge passed away earlier on this evening as a result of lung cancer that was inoperable. He had a couple of treatments of radiation therapy in between December and January.
    Charlie Hodge first met Elvis Presley on a transport ship enroute to Germany from New York back in September 1958 and they served in the Army together and this is where their very close friendship developed and continued until Elvis passed away in 1977.

    Charlie Hodge was the guy that sang back up for Elvis, played guitar and also handed Elvis water and scarf's during his shows in the 1970's.

    Charlie has been performing nightly at the Memories Theatre for the past few years and he was only diagnosed in December 2005 that he had lung cancer and continued to perform despite that he had cancer, like Elvis, he was a true and dedicated performer for the love of his fans.

    We have designed a forum where fans of Elvis Presley and Charlie Hodge can come together to post up messages of condolences for the family of Charlie Hodge and also to post up messages they can share with the the Elvis community of friends and fans ~ their own experiences of meeting Charlie Hodge , spending time with him ~ or seeing him perform LIVE ~

    This forum is in Memory of a wonderful person and great friend and confidante to our beloved Elvis Presley

    We would like to welcome you all to join this forum and post your messages - we will be making sure that his family and
    friends see this forum

    To join:-
    Geändert von MARIE (04.03.2006 um 09:01 Uhr)

  8. #18
    MissClawdy Gast
    Wer ohne Anmeldungen seiner Trauer Ausdruck verleihen möchte, kann das hier tun:


  9. #19
    Registriert seit
    Bad Gandersheim, Nds
    Das ist ja eine traurige Nachricht zum Wochenende. :traurig: :traurig:

    May his soul rest in peace.
    A homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says "what?"

  10. #20
    gast-20070206 Gast
    Einer der positivsten Menschen, die ich je in Elvis Umfeld wahrnahm, ist tot.

    Wie bedauerlich. Sie können nun wieder "I Will Be Home Again" anstimmen....

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