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Alt 13.04.2006, 16:46
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Zitat von MARIE
Oder in Rotterdam................... Da kann man auch noch hinfahren!Ist nicht so weit.
bis rotterdam würde ich es vielleicht schaffen.
Alt Alt 13.04.2006, 16:46
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Alt 13.04.2006, 17:00
Benutzerbild von Cap
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Zitat von dotore
was anderes hab ich auch nicht "übersetzt" nur nicht so ausführlich.
Eben ..... schäm Dich :
Alt 13.04.2006, 17:31
Benutzerbild von Moody
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Zitat von MARIE
A few ill informed websites have published the ‘news’ that the video show “Elvis The Concert” won’t return to Europe. Well, on the contrary. After a tour in the Far East (first show on October 4th), the crew takes a break of a few months. After that, the super show most likely returns to Europe. The schedule for October is almost set, but we’ll leave it to the persons in charge to announce the details.

Elvis Matters.
Wer hat das gesagt?
A homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says "what?"
Alt 13.04.2006, 17:31
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Zitat von MARIE
Oder in Rotterdam................... Da kann man auch noch hinfahren!Ist nicht so weit.
London letztes Jahr war auch spitze
A homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says "what?"
Alt 13.04.2006, 17:33
Benutzerbild von dotore
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Zitat von Cap
Eben ..... schäm Dich :
gesgat getan. zum glück muss ich nicht in den entschuldigungsthread. ist ja auch ostern. da kann man ruhig was nachsichtiger sein.
Alt 13.04.2006, 17:36
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Zitat von Moody
Wer hat das gesagt?

Steht doch da Elvis Matters
Alt 13.04.2006, 17:46
Benutzerbild von Moody
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Zitat von MARIE
Steht doch da Elvis Matters
Den Herrn kenn ich gar nicht
Das ist doch ein belgischer Fanclub. Was können die denn bezüglich "Elvis The Concert" preisgeben?
A homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says "what?"
Alt 13.04.2006, 17:49
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Zitat von Moody
Den Herrn kenn ich gar nicht
Das ist doch ein belgischer Fanclub. Was können die denn bezüglich "Elvis The Concert" preisgeben?
die haben beziehungen........
Alt 22.04.2006, 09:36
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Elvis Presley In Concert to tour Australia & New Zealand: Elvis Presley In Concert, formerly known as Elvis-The Concert, will tour in Australia and New Zealand in October 2006. The name change is for marketing purposes - to distinguish it better from impersonator shows and to clarify that it stars (via video) the real Elvis Presley. It was decided that using both Elvis's first and last names would give the show a stronger identity. The new name often will be accompanied by the tag line The New Concert Tour.

The show will have a dynamic song program similar to that of previous tours, although adjustments in repertoire do occur from tour to tour and production values of the presentation will get a real boost, including the use of Elvis footage camera loads not used on previous tours. Also, for the first time, the show will be accompanied by an exhibit of Elvis costumes and other concert-related items from the Graceland archives. The exhibit will be in the lobby area of each venue and will not have an admission fee.

Original Elvis bandmates scheduled for this tour are: The TCB Band - James Burton (lead guitar), Glen D. Hardin (piano), Jerry Scheff (bass), and Ronnie Tutt (drums); Myrna Smith (vocals) of The Sweet Inspirations, Ed Enoch (vocals) of The Stamps and Joe Guercio (musical director & conductor). Joining Ms. Smith on female backing vocals will new cast members. Joining Mr. Enoch on male backing vocals will be members of his modern-day configuration of The Stamps.

Tickets are expected to go on sale in late June. In advance of the regular on-sale date, will be an advance sale of "golden circle" seats that offer the purchaser special considerations, including premium seating, a backstage reception to meet the cast and more. Details will be posted soon here in News on Elvis.com and on the official site for the show www.ElvisConcertTour.com, and we will spread the word via our free e-newsletters service. Confirmed show dates and venues will be announced sometime in the weeks ahead.

For this same October 2006 tour, efforts are being made to secure some show dates in the Far East. If this works out, information will be shared as soon as it is confirmed. Contrary to rumors on the Internet, there is not a sixth tour of Europe in the works. (News, Source: Bob Hayden/Joan Tillitzki/ EPE)
Alt 22.04.2006, 11:44
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Also, for the first time, the show will be accompanied by an exhibit of Elvis costumes and other concert-related items from the Graceland archives. The exhibit will be in the lobby area of each venue and will not have an admission fee.
Zum ersten mal ist ein austelling dabei mit kostume und requisiten aus graceland archives(.Freie eintritt)

Contrary to rumors on the Internet, there is not a sixth tour of Europe in the works.

Entgegen alle gerüchte ins internet ist kein 6e europa-tour vorgesehen.

concert, europa

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