Every 18 months the EPE licensing department creates artwork for promoting Elvis and producing merchandise. The slogan that will be used in 2009-10 is ‘Elvis Now’. It’s similar to previous slogans ‘Elvis Is’ and ‘Elvis Lives’, in that it makes a definitive statement about the strong presence of Elvis in the world’s culture, not in the past, but now. Because many of those who develop products have to begin very far in advance of when the merchandise will actually be in the marketplace, the colors and design are selected based on trends forecasted for 2009-10. The research indicated that you will be seeing colors that are bold, energetic, bright and daring. The same words can easily be used to describe Elvis himself. There will also be unconventional combinations with an eye toward Mother Earth. More than ever, the global community has a better sense of awareness for the environment and individualism. Greens, sea blues and earthen hues will continue to have great impact in 2009. Keep an eye out for ‘Elvis Now’ merchandise, available beginning in January 2009.
Source: www.elvisnews.com