Larry King live Priscilla

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  • burroughs

    • 09.02.2004
    • 56299

    The Birthday Proclamation..

    nicht dieselbe show, aber dasselbe thema..
    und darum auch hier ganz gut aufgehoben

    Jan 8th 2009, Memphis, Tennessee:

    Shelby County Mayor AC Wharton has officially declared it Elvis Presley Day here in Memphis! This is an annual event each year which takes place on the lawn of Graceland. There were some surprise guests!

    Jack Soden, head of EPE accepting the proclamation from the honorable Mayor Wharton. It was a beautiful brisk day on the Graceland lawn this morning.

    Jack was going to introduce Priscilla after the Mayor's speech but the mayor called her up to the stage. The mayor gave an excellent speech. Among some of the things he said, Mayor Wharton said, "The city of Memphis gave Heartbreak Hotel it's first license" He went on to talk about what Elvis means to Memphis and how much Elvis loved Memphis. He gave such a great speech, even Priscilla could not compliment him enough!

    Priscilla also gave a very nice speech today at Graceland. Among some of the things she said was this, " It breaks my heart to see all of you here today because Elvis used to worry if people would still come to see him years later and he is not here to see all of you."

    During her speech, Priscilla spotted Nancy Rooks, a former maid at Graceland, and Priscilla said hello to her and that she wanted to visit with her a bit. Also at the proclamation was former nurse, Marion Cocke. Priscilla said that Lisa Marie and the babies were doing great! She said, " Michael ( Lisa's husband) is a first time father at 48 and maybe that is good because he never leaves their side." She also said it was too soon for Lisa and the babies to travel. But when the time is right, we all will be introduced to the twins in the right way. Lisa Marie sent a special message to everyone through Priscilla wishing she could have been there for the birthday celebration. Priscilla went on to talk about the horses now living at Graceland. See our story about Bandit for more info. Priscilla said, " Everyone at Graceland wishes when they die, they get to come back as one of the horses living at Graceland." She said Max has gained 300 pounds since he moved in at Graceland!

    After the crowd sang Happy Birthday to Elvis, Priscilla cut the cake. The very first piece was given to Ruth Moore Cobb, whose grandfather was S C Toof, the founder of the Commercial Appeal, and her mother was Ruth Brown Moore whom Elvis bought Graceland from. She had divorced Doctor Moore and in the deal, she received the Audobon Drive home. Priscilla thanked Ms. Cobb for coming and for all the valuable information she had given EPE about the mansion. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the building of the home. Graceland has a new special exhibit focusing on the Graceland mansion.

    The official birthday cake. On top of the cake sits the limited edition Department 56 ceramic Graceland, the gates and car. It was a beautiful cake. And right now fans from across the globe are at the Chrome Grill on Elvis Presley Blvd in Memphis enjoying this cake. For those of you in Memphis, have a great time today celebrating Elvis' birthday, have fun and a safe trip home! Those of you unable to be here, we wish you were here. But please celebrate Elvis' birthday anyway you see fit. Have fun!

    Quelle: Elvis Unlimited
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