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Alt 15.05.2006, 15:29
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Wer hat das Haus ? Ist das bekannt? ich habe schon vor zwei Wochen von meinen amerikanischen Internetfreunden gehört das Uri Geller mitsteigert
Alt Alt 15.05.2006, 15:29
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Alt 15.05.2006, 15:34
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Wäre interessant, wie hoch das Haus Goethestr.14 in Bad Nauheim gehandelt werden würde. Dort hat Elvis schließlich auch etliche Monate gewohnt.
Alt 15.05.2006, 19:50
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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old: Elvis Presley's house goes for $905,100

By Michael Conlon
Monday, May 15, 2006; 1:05 PM

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Psychic Uri Geller and two partners have bought the Tennessee house Elvis Presley lived in before moving to Graceland, with a winning bid of $905,100 on eBay, he said on Monday.

"We are unbelievably pleased. This is a piece of history," Geller said by phone from England.
"We intend to restore it to its old glory. We would like to bring sick children there (for tours), Palestinian children, Israeli children, American children," the Israeli-born Geller said. "Hopefully one day we might get approval to turn it into a museum."

Presley bought the four-bedroom, two-bath house at 1034 Audubon Drive in Memphis in 1956 with a down payment of $500. He lived there for 13 months before moving to Graceland, the now-famous Memphis estate where he died in 1977.

During his time in the white, ranch-style house with an outdoor swimming pool, Presley's career took off with hits such as "All Shook Up" and "Don't be cruel."

Geller identified the sellers as Mike and Cindy Hazen, who bought the house some years ago, though not from Presley, for about $180,000.

Geller had original bid $300,000 last month but a bidding war ensued and the price ballooned, he said. During the process he was approached by dozens of people wanting to go in with him, he said. He chose two, New York lawyer Jim Gleason and Lisbeth Silvandersson, a Swedish-born jewelry maker who lives in England, as equal partners.

He had set a ceiling price of $1.11 million, said Geller, who acknowledges a paranormal fascination with the number 11.

"As the clock closed on the bidding Sunday," Geller said, "I felt intuitively I got the price. I was text messaging Gleason and it was exactly 11 on my mobile phone and suddenly the radio started playing an Elvis song. That was Elvis telling me we got the house!"

Geller met Presley in Las Vegas in the 1970s after the "King of Rock and Roll" asked him to perform his "spoon bending" trick for him, he said. Since then he has amassed a large collection of Presley memorabilia, he said.

Geändert von MARIE (15.05.2006 um 20:00 Uhr)
Alt 15.05.2006, 23:53
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Überlegt mal!!!! Fast eine Million Dollar - das ist nicht zu fassen.

Elvis hat es für 40.000 Dollar gekauft. (Na ja, damals waren 40.000 ja eine hohe Summe).

Und die letzten Besitzer haben - glaube ich - so um die 100.000 dafür gezahlt.

Es muss nur irgendwo "ELVIS" mit im Spiel sein.
Alt 16.05.2006, 21:06
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heute im videotext (kabel1)!

elvis erstes haus,für 700 000 dollar oder euro (?),an Uri Geller verkauft!
Alt 17.05.2006, 09:42
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Zitat von Marco
heute im videotext (kabel1)!

elvis erstes haus,für 700 000 dollar oder euro (?),an Uri Geller verkauft!
Yes, hab´ ich auch gestern im Videotext gelesen. Uri Geller (bei uns bekannt durch das Verbiegen von Löffel ) selbst ein großer Elvis-Fan hat das Haus für umgerechnet 730.000,00 Euro bei ebay ersteigert.
Alt 18.05.2006, 13:29
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Uri Geller is genau so eigenartig wie sein namensvetter Larry Geller Zu den Commercial Appeal Newspaper in Memphis sagte Er Elvis hat Ihm ein Botschaft geschickt und gesagt:Mache Dich keine sorgen,Du bekommst mein Haus

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - Uri Geller said he got a sign from Elvis Presley, and the message was loud and clear: “Don’t worry, you’ll have my house.”
Alt 03.06.2006, 07:56
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Geller's heartbreak house

June 3, 2006 - 11:50AM

Uri Geller's dream of turning the first home Elvis Presley owned into a museum dedicated to the paranormal has been dealt a setback nearly as bizarre as the spoon-bending trick that made the Israeli-born psychic famous.

Geller, who thought he had purchased the Memphis property in an eBay auction last month for $905,100, has learned the sellers had turned around and sold the 3,000-square-foot (280-sq-metres) house to a foundation set up by Mike Curb, the longtime music producer.

The King of rock 'n' roll lived in the house at 1034 Audubon Dr. for 13 months before moving to Graceland, the now-famous Memphis estate where he died in 1977.

It was not immediately clear what Curb, elected lieutenant governor of California in the late 1970s, paid for the four-bedroom, two-bath home Elvis bought in 1956 with royalties from "Heartbreak Hotel."

What was clear today was that Geller was preparing for a protracted legal fight to get the house back. "We are absolutely, mind-blown angry," Geller said from his home in London. "Of course we're going to sue."

Geller and his two partners, New York lawyer Pete Gleason and Lisbeth Silvandersson, a Swedish-born jewelry maker who lives in England, may not be able to pursue a breach of contract claim against the sellers.

That's because eBay maintains real estate auctions on its site are marketing events, and not actual sales.

"The platform we provide in real estate really serves to generate interest," EBay spokeswoman Catherine England told Reuters. "It isn't a legally binding contract."

And yet another odd twist may yet give Geller a chance.

The sellers, a husband and wife, recently had their debts discharged in bankruptcy court, Doug Alrutz, Geller's Memphis lawyer, told Reuters.

While the couple had included the home in their list of assets, the court did not appreciate its value. As a result, the bankruptcy trustee is now thinking about reopening the case, a move that could lead the court to reverse all the sellers' actions, Alrutz said.


ebay, haus, versteigert

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