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Alt 05.04.2007, 00:18
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Hat jemand schon die edle DVD Volume 2 in den Händen und kann berichten ?!
Alt Alt 05.04.2007, 00:18
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Alt 19.04.2007, 23:42
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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quelle: Elvis unlimited
heute nachmittag per mail bekommen..

The new DVD Hot Shots And Cool Clips, Vol. 2 from JAT is now in stock.

This volume features clips from his 1957 Detroit performance,
1957 home movie footage of Graceland,
Elvis 1958 Army induction (and famous haircut), the G.I. Blues premiere, excerpts from the 1971 Jaycees Ten Outstanding Young Men Prayer Breakfast (along with the awards ceremony from that evening),
filmed footage of Elvis opening show at Madison Square Garden,
more footage with Bobby Darin and
the Madison Square Garden press conference,
as well as footage from Colonel Parkers Birthday Party (which also shows his managers industry influence).
Also included is footage of Elvis June 16 and 17 evening performances at Chicago Stadium in 1972.
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 20.04.2007, 14:00
Benutzerbild von Schorni
Schorni Schorni ist offline

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Fein, Mr. Bürro

Aber schon lange überholt. Das kann ich hiermit toppen:

Review aus dem FECC Board. (Autor ekenee )


I just recieved my DVD of Hot shots cool clips volume 2 and watched it all this afternoon. I wanted to write this review as quickly as possible to warn people as soon as I could because I was expecting alot more for my money than this. I am not saying don't buy it, but know what you are getting before you do. I am a really big fan of rare footage and I try to collect all I can but the words “rip-off” & dissapointment come to mind immediately. I have gotten more rare footage from some of those cheap documentaries you get at Walmart in the $5 bin.

To start off with the DVD cover is a fine design and the menu is organized and easy to follow. Let me now just go thru each chapter and make notes to each one as I see fit.
The first thing is a couple of minutes of the 1956 memphis court footage when ELvis was charged with assault. There is more than before but here is what starts one of the most annoying things on this DVD. The chapter starts out with a detail of what the footage is and dated, but then you get a large date band that stays over the footage thru the whole clip and actually covers half of Elvis’ face, thru alot of it. This is totally unbelievable to me that they released it this way.

Then you get about 5 minutes of Elvis in Olympia stadium in Detroit from 1957. The footage is very far away and grainy, but it is rare. Since its silent they have overdubbed Elvis talking over the clip which is a good idea, but then ruined because then they overdubbed some annoying instrumental music which almost drowns out Elvis. This overdubbing is done on most of the clips.

Then you get a couple of minutes of the outside of Graceland filmed in 1957 with no Elvis in the picture at all.

Next is about 3 minutes of Army induction footage most of which we have seen before.

Then comes footage of the GI Blues premiere. Guess what, no Elvis footage here either, because, he didn’t attend!

Next we get about a minute more of the 1960 Footage with Bobby Darin. Nothing too earth shattering here.

Next is footage of the colonel’s birthday party held while Elvis was making Girl Happy. Guess what......yeah you guessed right, NO Elvis footage again. By now, I am thinking what is going on. But I continue on.

The JC’s luncheon. This chapter is the largest chapter at 14 minutes and yet we still only get the same speech as before, but footage from all the other nominees. What was the point of this? Oh there is a few seconds of Elvis before the speech time that hasn’t been seen before. A few seconds out of 14 minutes. Here I was hoping we would get the whole speech including his introduction all the way to the end. Another dissapointment.

Next is about 10 minutes of the NY press conference, of which about 9 minutes of I have seen before on many other DVD’s.

This next chapter is the most exciting for me. We get 6 minutes of really clear footage of Elvis in Madison Square Garden in 1972. Filmed from Elvis’ upper left, I hadn’t seen this footage before.
And the footage is very clear. I only wish it was longer.

The very last chapter is about 5 minutes of Elvis live in Chicago in june of 1972. Again, I hadn’t seen this before, and it is very clear.

There you have it. A total running time of under an hour, of which many chapters do not even include Elvis, and some that do, include footage we have seen many times before. I am not sure Mr. Tunzi has hit the bottom of the barrel, but it sure looks like it. Total minutes of previously unseen Elvis amounts to about 15 minutes at most. At $40, this amounts to a rip-off. I really expected much more for my money. I really wanted to like this DVD and there is some rare footage, albiet very brief, but there has to be a value for your money, and I didn‘t find that here. If Mr. Tunzi wants to retain customers he will need to re-think some of his choices made in producing his DVD‘s. I won’t buy this series again unless things have improved. By the way, for purchasing this DVD you get a free reproduction Elvis concert ticket, that isn’t worth the paper its printed on. One other annoying thing is that some footage is presented in slow motion. This is never needed as everyone has a slow motion button on their remote if we want to view it that way. One thing that was nice, was that for the first time on an Elvis DVD we get an easter egg of hidden footage. I won’t tell you how to access this, I will leave it up to you to find it. But don’t look too hard for it, because, yes you guessed it, Elvis isn’t even in the footage!!


Sehr entäuschend nach dieser langen Wartezeit. Nix mit 20min MSG-Footage
Ca: 15min interessantes Material, das für 30€...
Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!
Alt 20.04.2007, 14:07
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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Zitat von Schorni Beitrag anzeigen
Fein, Mr. Bürro
Aber schon lange überholt. Das kann ich hiermit toppen..
Hätte Missieur Schörni das früher geschrieben, hätte er sich auch den besch*** Kommentar sparen können

Zitat von Schorni Beitrag anzeigen
Sehr entäuschend nach dieser langen Wartezeit. Nix mit 20min MSG-Footage
Ca: 15min interessantes Material, das für 30€...
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 27.04.2007, 06:26
Benutzerbild von DelWebb
DelWebb DelWebb ist offline
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grosse ankündigung und nix dahinter! wie üblich
--- we didn´t buy elvis presley to be another james dean, we buy him to sing the songs ---
Alt 27.04.2007, 07:29
Benutzerbild von andy_m
andy_m andy_m ist offline

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Zitat von DelWebb Beitrag anzeigen
grosse ankündigung und nix dahinter! wie üblich
Kann man sich sparen zu kaufen
Alt 27.04.2007, 07:46
Benutzerbild von Schorni
Schorni Schorni ist offline

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Zitat von andy_m Beitrag anzeigen
Kann man sich sparen zu kaufen

Das würde ich nicht sagen. Immerhin bekommt man hier Footage in einer sehr guten Quali zu sehen, die es sonst bis jetzt nirgends gab.
Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!
Alt 27.04.2007, 07:49
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andy_m andy_m ist offline

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Zitat von Schorni Beitrag anzeigen
Das würde ich nicht sagen. Immerhin bekommt man hier Footage in einer sehr guten Quali zu sehen, die es sonst bis jetzt nirgends gab.
also kaufen
Alt 27.04.2007, 07:55
Benutzerbild von Schorni
Schorni Schorni ist offline

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Zitat von andy_m Beitrag anzeigen
also kaufen
Ich hab mir die DVD jedenfalls bestellt.
Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!
Alt 27.04.2007, 08:18
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