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Alt 16.06.2009, 13:53
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Soweit ich das jetzt gelesen habe, war es auf der Box ja nur ein Fehler, dass die Stereo-Versionen nicht veröffentlicht worden sind. Insofern ist es einfach nur ein Ärgernis und keine Abzocke.
Alt Alt 16.06.2009, 13:53
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Alt 16.06.2009, 13:59
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da glaube ich mal keinen fatz von....

und die story die ich hörte ging anders...lol

naja dingen kommt von 2 seiten und ich werde sie mir holen und wenn ich mich entscheiden müsste (was ich nicht muss ) würde ich mir die ftd zulegen...
Das neue Buch von Praytome Publishing:

"My Years With Elvis And The Colonel" by Charles Stone
Alt 16.06.2009, 14:12
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wenn ich mich entscheiden müsste (was ich nicht muss ) würde ich mir die ftd zulegen...
Habe leider die STRANGER... gekauft und finde den Sound -ob Stereo oder nicht- verbesserungswürdig. Denke das die FTD-Version deutlich besser klingen wird.
Alt 16.06.2009, 14:19
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Die Download Mail juckt mich allerdings null, sowas klick ich nichtmal an.
Der CD Player und ich müssen warten bis sowas auf dem altmodischen Weg zu bekommen ist
..dann kaufe ich mir lieber die Audionics und FTD CDs !!

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
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Alt 16.06.2009, 14:26
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...habe noch das hier gefunden !!


We at the International label deeply regret and apologise for the blunder on the sound mastering on the TTWII Complete Works Box Set fans purchased with their hard earned money earlier this year. We are truly sorry and did not realise this until at least 2 weeks after the box sets had sold out.

Therefore in light of this, we would like to come clean and explain exactly how all this came to be.

The digital files created from the tape reels were transferred at a high 48bit and in 192k resolution. This was done by someone outside the main team of the International label. For name protection we will refer to this person as George.

The files were made up in 2 sections; a left channel and a right channel file. This of course was impossible for the main producer to play as the necessary equipment to play files in the resolution they were received in was not available. Therefore the digital files were given directly to the Sound engineer who at the time, felt to the producer, to be competent in the area of processing this to CD mastering. Any faults or opinions in the recording conclusions would ultimately come from him.

The Producers were then informed by the engineer that the sound is in a very weak Stereo but in such, it was almost mono sounding. (As you can hear some separation although to most, it does indeed sound like mono).

Since the Producers had no guide in the quality of the sound, they accepted the conclusion from the engineer that what was, was.

There are prominent people within the Elvis world that know the stress, the deceit, promises and the lies of the real story that went behind the making of the box set due to the engineer’s false representations and qualifications. One prominent person witnessed the whole sage from the conception idea and is thinking about writing a book on this story on how the box finally came to light (or nearly did not) after nearly 2 years in the making, that would make very interesting reading.

Cutting a long story short, when the box was finally released, George received his complementary copy of the box set. By this time the box set was already sold out before it was released. George informed us that what he was listening to from the box set is not what it should be and further explained what the blunder could be. George then sent a sample of a song that he tried out and it came back in FULL STEREO and furthermore, in pristine condition. In realisation now, maybe George should have done the CD mastering.

It was evident at that point, what the blunder was. Because the engineer received the files in 2 sections, that is left and the right, when placing on his software grid, (I assume on pro-tools but can’t be sure) a simple mistake was made. The engineer did not realise that he had to pan the left channel to the left and pan the right channel to the right. Therefore the sound was not properly separated giving a mono illusion although it is in fact in stereo but not properly separated. Again, not known at the time and, there was never really a question to judge the engineer’s competence.

At that point there was absolutely nothing we could do about it. There was just no way could we correct a wrong so late after everything was sold out, finished and everyone paid out. The producers were very dismayed that the fans, although were very happy with what they received, were not getting what they deserved or what should have been. It was decided that maybe in a year or more, we may re-release these again separately at a knock down give away price to replace the discs in their box sets.

Then comes along Audionics!

At first, the International Producers were a little sceptical on this as to wondering on where the source of the files had come from. But after that it was thought that it would be great for the fans as our blunders have been rectified by someone else. Where then files came from for this we still don’t know, but we have our suspicions as you may read later.

However on release of ‘Stranger in the Crowd’ we were shocked that even though they have achieved the stereo sound, it was very weak and flat compared to what we had (as you too will notice when you download the FREE WAV file version of the International version). The fans of course who have bought the release of SITC have no reference to compare to apart from the TTWII box set, so anything would be seen as an improvement.

Our concern at that point was diminished upon FTD’s announcement of ‘The Wonder of You’ with the great Vic Anesini at the restoration helm. So we were happy now that fans would get a nice official release and a nice clean copy that the fans finally deserve. So basically, now all is OK. My only concern with FTD (as always) is their habit of unnecessarily editing the shows dialogues etc that takes away the overall feel of the show, thus making it incomplete. I mean plenty of room on the CD, why make edits. But other that, as far as were concerned, FTD are doing the job giving the fans what they have asked for. Remember if it was not for the International, fans would still have nothing, so with FTD all was good.

Indecently the FTD’s announcement of ‘The Wonder of You’ was a planned release by FTD well ahead of the Audionics release. Because of the instant fan reaction of the TTWII Box Set, it clearly showed a release from this era was needed. I know this because a prominent person in FTD was searching/asking for pictures of Red ladder suit shots as early as February from the show just after the box set came out.

Now things change upon the announcement of the Audionics release of ‘Twenty Days & Nights’ with a further immanent release of ‘Something’.

There were 2 concerns that we at the International label had.

The first being, the fact that the Audionics had released SITC in poor quality stereo compared to what we now have, must be evident that the new release of ‘Twenty Days & Nights’ and the planned release of ‘Something’ would suffer the same fate as SITC quality wise. This time of course, there is no FTD to save the day and that fans, again, would have to shell out more money for what is unnecessary and is bad mastering. Again the evidence on this for fans to take the free WAV download and compare our AUG 13 DS with the SITC release. Fans will notice a sharp difference and therefore the only conclusion to make from this, is that the upcoming releases by Audionics will suffer the same fate as SITC.

The second concern was that we noticed that the artwork cat# on new the Audionics was very similar to the box set cat# and the signatures were very similar. We then concluded and ultimately and evidently realised that our engineer who cocked up our sound was responsible for the art covers for Audionics. This raises other questions and concerns, however!

With all this in mind we realise that the best thing to do now is to re-release 5 shows in full WAV high res quality to the fans for free. They are all ready for burning to CD with CD ART PRINT (we never did have the AUG 11 MS in the first place which is why we are only doing the 5 and not 6 shows). There is little point in purchasing the Audionics versions when these are much better in quality as you will evidently hear for yourself.

Since it was us that started this whole crazy TTWII saga, we feel it is up to us to close this chapter once and for all. This whole thing has just gotten out of hand.

We again at the International label would like to apologise to all fans for the major blunder on the sound. This is about the best thing we can do to make a wrong made to right, that is to give you master files in full WAV quality that you can download for free, with artwork to make your own CD’s that is far superior than the Audionics releases.

Let’s just hope for an ultimate release by FTD on these last couple of shows will finally come round to being officially released that we all would welcome.

We at the International label would like to thank the person for uploading the initial files onto a private server but unfortunately we are told this is restricted to few downloads. If other fans can help upload these files onto newsgroups and bit torrent, there is simply no way any official company can take this off. In the meantime here are some links and as more links are spread but many of the fans that are helping us to do so the more links we will inform you of.

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
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Alt 18.06.2009, 13:15
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...am liebsten wäre es mir wenn das "International" label uns die CDs umtauscht !!

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
Alt 18.06.2009, 13:20
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ja klar..
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 18.06.2009, 13:26
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@Herbi: Schreib die Jungs doch einfach mal an oder wende dich an die Hotline. Das International Label wird ja wohl im Branchenverzeichnis stehen.....
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Alt 18.06.2009, 13:31
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@Herbi: Schreib die Jungs doch einfach mal an oder wende dich an die Hotline. Das International Label wird ja wohl im Branchenverzeichnis stehen.....

...sag mir nur wem ich schreiben muss !!

__Elvis - Artist Of The Century__
Alt 18.06.2009, 13:38
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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dem produzenten zb
und wenn du nicht nur kopiert hättest, was dieser im FECC geschrieben hat, sondern auch mal geguckt hättest, WER hinter dem nick steckt,
dann wärst du vielleicht auch von alleine drauf gekommen..
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast

complete, review, ttwii, works

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