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Alt 27.05.2009, 11:01
Benutzerbild von Lakota
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Eines habe ich aus diesem Thread gelernt! Es macht Sinn sich einen Papierschredder zu zulegen!
Du bist zeitlebends für das verantwortlich, was du dir vertraut gemacht hast.

* Antoine De Saint-Exupéry *
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Alt Alt 27.05.2009, 11:01
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Alt 27.05.2009, 11:02
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Zitat von Paolo Pinkel Beitrag anzeigen
Vielleicht werden dann Deine Postings auch besser.
Du wirst doch wohl die Deinen nicht als gut bezeichnen wollen
Alt 27.05.2009, 11:03
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Eines habe ich aus diesem Thread gelernt! Es macht Sinn sich einen Papierschredder zu zulegen!
und es ist wichtig, deutlich mehr als ne Mio aufm Haushaltskonto zu hinterlassen.
Alt 27.05.2009, 11:08
Benutzerbild von cos
cos cos ist offline

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Zitat von Lakota Beitrag anzeigen
Eines habe ich aus diesem Thread gelernt! Es macht Sinn sich einen Papierschredder zu zulegen!
Du meinst, um die Bücher zu vernichten? Da steht ja auch nur Müll drin...habe ich auch gelernt. Graceland gehört Elvis und so. Weg damit, hier erfährst Du die ganze Wahrheit.

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Alt 27.05.2009, 11:24
MysteryTrain MysteryTrain ist offline
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Zitat von cos Beitrag anzeigen
habe ich auch gelernt. Graceland gehört Elvis und so.
So ganz eindeutig ist das doch gar nicht. Vielleicht war es ja auch bis zum Dach beliehen
Alt 27.05.2009, 11:38
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...machmal ist's aber hier arg prolemisch.
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Alt 27.05.2009, 12:13
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ich liebe Wortschöpfungen
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Alt 27.05.2009, 12:15
Benutzerbild von Gilla
Gilla Gilla ist offline

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...du meinst Wortschröpfungen...
*The genius of Elvis Presley was in his music, but the magic was in his voice*
Alt 27.05.2009, 12:26
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...du meinst Wortschröpfungen...
...also ich finde meine Mischung aus "polemisch" und "Prolet" sehr gelungen!
Alt 27.05.2009, 13:38
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Agreement 1 - dated March 1, 1973 between RCa, All Star Shows and Elvis Presley:

Whereby as an inducement to Elvis to sign the seven-year excusive recording agreement to pay Elvis and All Star Shows the sum of 100.000 $ upon the expiration of the seven-year agreement. The payment to All Star Shows was in connection with Col. Parker's merchandising that exploited RCA's interests in Mr. Presley and the records of Mr. Presley. The agreement was signed by Elvis and Col. Parker.

Agreement 2: A seven-year agreement, dated March1, 1973, between RCA. RCA Record Tours and AllStar Shows.
All Star Shows agreed to furnish the services of Col. Parker to assist RCA Records in planning, promotion, and merchandising in connection with the 1972 tour agreement concerning Elvis Presley. RCA agreed to pay All Star Shows a total of 675.000 $, payable 75.000 $ the first year and 100.000 $ per year for the remaining six years. In sum a total of 1.350.000$ would be paid by RCA to Col. Parker. In addition, RCA agreed to pay All Star Shows 10% of RCA Record Tours net profits.
Elvis did not receive any money pursuant to the agreement.

Agreement 3: a five-year agreement dated March 1, 1973 among RCA, All Star Shows and Col. Parker.
All Star Shows was bound for the services of Col. Parker for five years to consult with RCA Records and assist RCA Records in the exploitation of Elvis's merchandising rights. RCA agreed to pay All Star Shows 10.000 $ per year for a total of 50.000$ over the five-year period.
Elvis did not receive any moneys pursuant to this agreement.

Agreement 4: A seven-year agreement dated March 1, 1973 between All Star Shows and RCA Record Tours.

All Star Shows was bound to furnish the services of Col. Parker to assist RCA Records in planning, promotion and merchandising in connection with the operation of the tours agreement; RCA agreed to pay All Star Shows a total of 350.000 $, payabel 50.000 per year over a seven-year period.

Why was the royalty rate for the new seven-year recording agreement so far below industry standards for an artist of Elvis's Stature? Blanchard Tual believed that Col. Parker had looked out for his own interests when he negotiated the deal. In Tual's opinion, the over 2.000.000$ payment made directly to the Colonel in those additional four agreements induced him to agree to a relatively low royalty rate in Elvis's new contract.
The side-deals between RCA and Col. Parker did not end there, but continued after Elvis's death. As a result of new deals Parker made with RCA after Elvis died, the Colonel received at least 950.000 $ from September15, 1977 to February 15, 1980, including 675.000 $ for services related to promotion and merchandising concepts and packaging suggestions on RCA Record Tours; 165.000 $ for "extra services in preparing product promotion cost merchandising" and 50.000 $ more for promotion,merchandising concepts and packaging suggestions.
It should be noted that none of the later, 1977 agreement with RCA were aproved or acknowledged by Vernon Presley, who was executor ot the estate at the time or by anyone connected with the estate. Consequently it must be assumed that Vernon was unaware of them.

The final agreement signed by Col. Parker on that fateful March day in 1973 may have been the single most financially damaging contract in the history of the music industry. It called for Elvis to sell the rights to all the songs he recorded before that date- seven hundred of them to RCA for approximately 5.4 Mill. Dollars. It was a substantial amount of money and Elvis was glad to get it at the time, but it was insignificant compared with the amount Elvis would have received over the years had he kept ownership of his songs.
And remember, the Colonel got half and the IRS (Finanzamt) got half of Elvis's share. When all was said and done, only 1,35 Mill. Dollar remained from the original payment - and most of that went to Priscilla to fulfill the terms of their divorce settlement. Elvis sold the rights to the greatest master catalog in music history and was left virtually nothing to show for it. Thereafter, his estate received no royalties at all for any songs Elvis had recorded prior to March 1973.
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1977, almost, bankrupt

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