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Alt 13.06.2006, 12:17
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JimDandy JimDandy ist offline
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Heute isses ja soweit, die überlebenden Beach Boys (ausgenommen Ricky Fataar und Blondie Chaplin, die ja nur zwei Jahre lang Beach Boys waren) treffen sich zum ersten mal seit 10 Jahren. Es wird natürlich kein Konzert oder so sein, sondern "nur" eine Zeremonie zum Platinerfolg von der vor ein paar Jahren veröffentlichten Best-of Sounds of Summer.
Nun meldet sich Brian's Tochter Carnie Wilson, die mit ihrer Schwester Wendy zwei Drittel des Trios Wilson Phillips ausgemacht hat (zu ihrer besten zeit hat carnie auch alleine schon zwei Drittel eingenommen ), bezüglich einer Reunion zu Wort. Man lese :

From icebergradio.com:

Brian Wilson's daughter Carnie Wilson hopes that tomorrow's (June 13th) Beach Boys reunion in Los Angeles will lead the group members to reconcile and make some music together. The surviving band members, Brian Wilson, Mike Love, David Marks, Al Jardine, and Bruce Johnston, will all appear on top of the famous Capitol Records building to collect their platinum awards for sales of over 2 million copies of their greatest hits compilation, Sounds Of Summer: The Very Best Of The Beach Boys. Co-founders Dennis and Carl Wilson died in 1983 and 1998, respectively.

Carnie told us that she would love nothing more than to see all the surviving Beach Boys team up for a reunion tour: "I just don't like to get involved. I try to stay out of it because it's not my business. However; it's upsetting. The truth of the matter is I wish that all of the Beach Boys could just tour together. That's the ultimate wish of mine."

Over the years, Carnie and her sister Wendy have teamed up with Jardine, his sons Matthew and Adam, Cass Elliott's daughter Owen Elliott, and assorted Beach Boys sidemen from the group's '70s and '80s lineups to perform as Al Jardine's Beach Boys Family And Friends. Eventually a legal injunction forced them to stop using the "Beach Boys" name.

Wilson, Love, Jardine, and Johnston have not shared a stage together in nearly ten years. Wilson stopped performing with the band in 1996, and in 1998 Jardine was forced out of the group. Shortly thereafter, co-founder David Marks rejoined the band for several years.

Love and Johnston now hold the exclusive license to tour under the group's name. Wilson has performed as a solo artist since 1999, and Jardine and Marks have been teaming up for a growing number of concerts each year.

Jardine has told us that in addition to a possible reunion concert later this year in Britain to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the group's Pet Sounds album, "an impressive offer" has been put forth to the entire group to reunite.

The Beach Boys -- featuring Mike Love and Bruce Johnston -- will perform next on June 23rd in Kelseyville, California at the Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa. They'll be on tour through the end of September.

Brian Wilson will perform on July 1st in Las Vegas at The Club in the Cannery Casinos. After that, his next show will be on July 23rd at Australia's "Splendor In The Grass Festival" at Belongil Fields at Byron Bay.

Al Jardine and David Marks will join Dean Torrence of Jan & Dean for the "Cruisin' With The Legends Of Surf Music" cruise, set for October 2nd through 6th.

June 12, 2006
Alt Alt 13.06.2006, 12:17
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Alt 13.06.2006, 12:18
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Von den noch lebenden mag ich besonders Mike Love!
Alt 13.06.2006, 15:58
Benutzerbild von JimDandy
JimDandy JimDandy ist offline
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Zitat von Gilbert
Von den noch lebenden mag ich besonders Mike Love!

Judas !!
Wenn ich welche habe, werde ich hier mal ein paar Bilder von dem Treffen posten....
Alt 13.06.2006, 16:01
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Zitat von JimDandy
Judas !!
Wenn ich welche habe, werde ich hier mal ein paar Bilder von dem Treffen posten....
Mein Liebling war immer Carl.
Alt 13.06.2006, 16:02
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Mike Love singt meine Lieblingstitel, danach gehe ich meist
Alt 13.06.2006, 16:09
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Mein Lieblingslied ist "Fun Fun Fun" !! Bin ich deshalb ein Judas???
Alt 13.06.2006, 17:56
Benutzerbild von JimDandy
JimDandy JimDandy ist offline
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Zitat von Gilbert
Mein Lieblingslied ist "Fun Fun Fun" !! Bin ich deshalb ein Judas???

So lange du nicht sagst, dass du Mike's Soloalbum "Looking back with Love", für das größte Album allerzeiten hältst, ist alles in Ordnung....
Alt 14.06.2006, 00:49
Benutzerbild von JimDandy
JimDandy JimDandy ist offline
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Die Verleihung lief sehr gut ab, wie berichtet wurde und es gibt auch schon Bilder, allerdings verständlicherweise noch nichts bezüglich einer Reunion.

Mehr hier: Beach Boys

Es kommen mit Sicherheit noch mehr dazu, und ich denke mal, dass ich die hier posten werde oder zumindest die Links.

EDIT: muss mich übrigens korrigieren, es handelt sich um Doppel-Platin, nicht nur um Platin....

Geändert von JimDandy (14.06.2006 um 01:13 Uhr)
Alt 14.06.2006, 12:16
Benutzerbild von JimDandy
JimDandy JimDandy ist offline
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Hier gehts weiter:

Reunion on Rooftop

Es sei erwähnt, dass Brian Wilson bezüglich einer Reunion sagt, dass es eine gute Chance gibt.
Er war übrigens derjenige, der die letzten Jahre nix von einer Reunion wissen wollte.....

Bruce Johnston schreibt:

Up On The Roof!!!
Posted on June 14, 2006 at 02:14:11 AM by Bruce Johnston

I just returned to Las Vegas (we have a private concert here at the Wynn in three hours....97 degrees outside & clear!) from the Capitol Records press conference and I must say that it was great to see the band today. We all caught up with one another in one of the large offices before the 'event' and then we went up on the roof and received the awards. There were lots of TV and still cameras covering the presentation and then questions from the press. The 'reunion' issue came up and the band dialogue was pleasant, polite but also noncommittal.
Al and I had a quiet discussion about a Beach Boys reunion tour and I pointed out to him that I thought the best approach would be to first book a 'controlled' venue and hope that a DVD, CD and TV special came out of a BB concert and in turn that might create some sort of mass interest in a possible US tour. I also reminded him that the Beach Boys music is available in concert live year after year unlike the Eagles being in musical moth balls and you would have to look at some sort of practical financial BB concert fee for the band. You don't want to burden a concert promoter with huge concert guarantees but loads of empty seats because the venue is too large.
I'm not saying that just because we spoke a reunion tour will take place-I still feel that this was the last time we would all be in one place at the same time together. Sadly there are always many issues in the way.
One more thing: We all made sure that Dave Marks stood with us in all the photos though some of the 'younger' Capitol Records employees did not know he was!

Bruce Johnston
Alt 15.06.2006, 18:30
Benutzerbild von JimDandy
JimDandy JimDandy ist offline
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Hier ein Video. Gibt nochmehr, aber die poste ich nicht. Auf youtube kann man sich aber etwas davon angucken. Wer unbedingt den Link haben will zu den Videos, bzw. sie sich sichern will, soll mir ne PN schicken...

Reunion der Beach Boys

beach, boys, reunion

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