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Alt 15.06.2006, 19:45
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Und noch etwas, das bei einer Reunion passieren könnte. Jeweils ein Sohn von Carl (Justyn Wilson)und Dennis (Carl B. Wilson) spielen zusammen in einem Power-Rock-Trio (In Bloom) und würden gerne, instrumental, die Plätze ihrer Väter (Gitarre-Carl und Drums-Dennis) bei einer Reunion einnehmen.

Dennis' Wilson's son Carl B. Wilson said that he would love to perform with the band. Carl B. and his cousin Justyn, Carl Wilson's son, are part of the power-rock trio In Bloom. Carl B. told LAUNCH that he would love for him and Justyn to step into their fathers' shoes if the band reunites: ["One thing that I would hope would be possible -- which I don't think would be possible -- which would be them to get back together, Justyn could play guitar for his dad and I could play drums for my dad. I mean, something along those lines. So yeah, that would be something that I would love to do. If there was ever a time, I'd love to be able to do something like that."]

Hier Carl mit Sohn Justyn

Und hier Dennis mit Sohn Carl B.

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Alt Alt 15.06.2006, 19:45
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Alt 23.06.2006, 02:11
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Unterdessen gibt es Neuigkeiten zu der demnächst fertiggestellten (Alan Boyd hat mir gesagt, dass sie am 4.Juli versuchen online zu gehen) offiziellen Beach Boys-Seite.

BTW, ich denke, da es so aussieht, als ob es dieses Jahr möglicherweise einiges an Beach Boys-News geben wird, werde ich diesen Thread hier weiterführen und dann zum Ende des Jahres einstellen. Dass heißt, dass ich hier auch Sachen posten werde, die nicht direkt mit einer Reunion zu tun haben, meiner Meinung nach euch aber interessieren dürften.

Hier die News:

From the B104 FM Clasic Rock website


The Beach Boys' new official beachboyscentral.com website featuring previously unreleased material, may be up and running as early as July 4th. The group's chief archivist Alan Boyd posted on the unofficial smileysmile.net fan message board that he's currently putting the finishing touches on the site. Although he didn't go into details, he did mention that the group's unreleased material would be available both as digital downloads and as CD's.

Boyd has been cataloging and cross referencing the group's extensive inventory for the past several years. He's listened to almost every one of the group's multi-track master tapes and home demos. There's still no word as to what exactly will be uploaded on the site, although the group has amassed several hundred outtakes in their 45 year career.

Alt 23.06.2006, 02:20
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Und deshalb noch was zur Reunion:

Keeping summer alive
Mike Love takes pride in Beach Boys music and legacy

Record Entertainment Editor
Published Thursday, Jun 22, 2006

The surviving founding Beach Boys made news last week by gathering for the first time in 10 years for a ceremony atop Hollywood's historic Capitol Records building.

"It was weird," lead singer Mike Love said of the event designed to mark the 40th anniversary of "Pet Sounds," the band's landmark album. "We have meetings and stuff from time to time, but we're never together in a public way."

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The original Beach Boys splintered long ago, thanks in part to a series of Love-initiated lawsuits. The vibe in Hollywood between Love and creative mastermind Brian Wilson, however, was so positive that the singer could speak openly about a possible reunion.

"Brian couldn't have been nicer to me," said Love, 65. "I have actually talked to Brian about writing together, and from there, if we do a reunion thing, I'd like to start with a PBS special. If it turns out to be something people really respond to, we could go on from there."

In the meantime, Love, Wilson and guitarist Al Jardine continue to follow separate musical paths. Love brings a Beach Boys lineup that includes longtime band member Bruce Johnston to Stockton tonight for a show at the San Joaquin Fair.

The rooftop gathering was designed to celebrate the band selling 2 million copies of 2003's "Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of the Beach Boys." The album is just the latest in a string of retrospectives that have had the effect of introducing the group's classic 1960s work to succeeding generations.

Not surprisingly, those songs remain at the heart of every Beach Boys concert, a show that spotlights both Love's personality and his approach to pop music.

"Our job, I feel, as performers is to make people happy and take them away from the concerns of their lives," he said. "That's our philosophy - 'Fun, Fun, Fun,' 'Good Vibrations.' We want people to leave having had a good time."

Of course, the irony lies in the fact that the Beach Boys are famous for suffering remarkably painful dramas as they've tried to present their happy-go-lucky music to the world.

The angst was there long before the Beach Boys convened in 1961. It started in the Wilson home in the Southern California community of Hawthorne, where Brian, Dennis and Carl were blessed with a love of music and cursed by a father given to physical and verbal abuse.

Joined by their cousin Love and friend Jardine, the Wilsons began formulating a sound that blended the pop vocal harmonies of groups such as the Four Freshmen with the churning rock 'n' roll of Chuck Berry. Throw in lyrics - many written and sung by Love - that covered symbols of teen freedom such as surfing, cars and girls, and you had music sure to resonate with baby-boom America.

There followed what Love called a "whole tidal wave of hits," 20 from 1962 to '66, before Brian Wilson's frail emotional state and burgeoning drug habit shut down the Beach Boys pipeline. The tunes - "Surfin' U.S.A.," "Be True to Your School," "I Get Around," "Help Me, Rhonda" - defined the Beach Boys not just in their time but for all time.

And not just in America. Love ticks off stops on the band's tour itinerary - Japan, Germany, Australia and, coming up, the group's first visit to Russia.

"They can't understand what we're saying, but they love the beauty, they love the sound," Love said. "It shows the strength of not only the Beach Boys, but also the fact that we represent American music wherever we go."

The appeal of those Wilson-conceived hits has come at a cost. After all, the Beach Boys are first and foremost musicians, and their later work - from such '70s and '80s albums as "Wild Honey" and "Still Cruisin' " to their various solo efforts - remains largely overlooked.

The best of that era will be collected in another anthology, "The Warmth of the Sun," due out next year, Love said. The Beach Boys are also the subject of the latest Hallmark Cards special release, "Songs From Here and Back," which features live versions of such hits as "Surfer Girl, "Kokomo" and "Wouldn't It Be Nice," along with solo tracks from Love, Jardine and Brian Wilson.

After 45 years in the music business, Love is philosophical about the group's future. He accepts it as the natural state of things that the Beach Boys, while just honored by Capitol, periodically will need to audit the company's books. He knows, too, that tragedy lurks around every corner; witness the early deaths of Dennis and Carl Wilson.

For all that, Love remains upbeat. He keeps himself healthy and takes pride in continuing to deliver those vintage Beach Boys hits.

"If your lifestyle is such that you're getting enough rest and you're watching what you eat ... then you're going to be in good shape no matter what age you are," he said. "I can sing exactly those same keys and same arrangements."
Alt 24.06.2006, 23:10
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Pünktlich zur bevorstehenden Wiederveröffentlichung von "Good Vibrations" auf Single, wurde gerade jenes Lied als bester Sommer-Song betitelt (nicht das erste mal, also nicht wirklich was neues )

Alt 29.06.2006, 23:03
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Aus einem ganz aktuellen Interview mit Brian Wilson:

Q: You've had some legal issues with Mike Love. Have they been resolved?

A: We had a meeting recently. Things have gotten a little bit better between us. We discussed business, but I don't know what's going to happen.

Q: Do you ever foresee rejoining the Beach Boys?

A: I would not be opposed to recording again with the Beach Boys, if it is OK with all of the managers. I might consider some studio work - that would be very exciting.

Das kann man jetzt natürlich deuten ie man will. Dazu sei allerdings gesagt, dass er, seit er solo tourt, nie so positiv über eine Reunion geredet hat; eher das Gegenteil und das nicht gerade undeutlich...
Alt 02.07.2006, 19:20
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Wenn es stimmt, wäre es schonmal eine große Sache, denn nach DIESEM Bericht hat brian Wilson Mike Love einen Song geschickt, zu dem dieser einen Text schreiben soll. Wilson hat gestern in Vegas gespielt, heute tun dies Mike Love und Bruce Johnston, die derzeit unter dem namen "The Beach Boys" touren. Auch Al Jardine hatte an diesem Wochenende einen Auftritt, allerdings nicht in Vegas.
Alt 08.07.2006, 11:49
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Einmal das: Mike on Reunion

Dazu waren Mike und Bruce gestern im TV und bezüglich einer Reunion sagte Bruce, dass es möglicher Weise eine Show mit anschließender Video/DVD-Veröffentlichung geben würde.
Alt 26.07.2006, 18:08
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Wie angekündigt werde ich diesen Thread weiterführen bis Ende des Jahres.
Die Offizielle Seite bei capitol-Records wurde extrem überarbeitet. Ist exzellent geworden. Wann die andere offizielle kommt, ist noch nicht klar, aber wird demnächst sein.

Alt 26.07.2006, 18:19
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Zitat von JimDandy
Wie angekündigt werde ich diesen Thread weiterführen bis Ende des Jahres.
Die Offizielle Seite bei capitol-Records wurde extrem überarbeitet. Ist exzellent geworden. Wann die andere offizielle kommt, ist noch nicht klar, aber wird demnächst sein.

Hammernews, man darf gespannt bleiben.
Alt 24.08.2006, 01:25
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JimDandy JimDandy ist offline
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hallo mal wieder, hab jetzt n paar sachen ausgelassen, aber keine großen Neuigkeiten bezüglich einer Reunion.
Jetzt gehts weiter hiermit:

Pet Sounds Website

Denn zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum des wahrscheinlich besten Albums der Geschichte, gibts neue Veröffentlichungen der Platte(u.a. auch als Doppel-LP), welche auch nicht-Fans sehr ansprechen dürfte. Außerdem gibts bei iTunes eine 15-teilige Doku über die Entstehung des Albums, für die alle lebenden, an Pet Sounds beteiligten Mitglieder über die letzten beide Monate, separat, interviewt wurden. Der erste Teil steht schon online. Man kann die Teile über oben genannter Seite hören, aber natürlich auch über die iTunes-Seite, einfach "Beach Boys" eingeben, aber es soll wohl auch einen Banner geben.
Ich wünsche viel Spaß....

beach, boys, reunion

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