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Alt 04.01.2009, 09:34
Benutzerbild von Didi
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Book "Absent Friends: Elvis Presley"

The "Absent Friends" is a book series which examines the films of movie stars that have passed on. The latest volume in this series is about Elvis Presley and will be available on January 8, Elvis birthday.

From the press-release:
"Absent Friends: Elvis Presley" looks at every film that Elvis Presley ever made and gives a trivia quiz at the back of the book to test your knowledge of the King of rock and roll.
Absent Friends also looks at over forty films about Elvis and that feature different actors that have played Elvis Presley.
  • Such as the John Rheys Meyerson bio-pic "Elvis".
  • Did you know that "Love Me Tender" wasn't Elvis first film? What was?
  • Who was Elvis favorite leading lady?
  • What actor that played Elvis Presley was in an Elvis movie?
  • Which leading lady did the media imply really married Elvis after a wedding scene in one of his films?
  • The answer to these questions and many more in "Absent Friends: Elvis Presley".
About KRG publishing
KRG publishing is a self publishing book company.

About the Author:
Kevin has turned his love for movies into the "Absent Friends" series of books, which looks at the film careers of movie icons that have passed on, such as Paul Newman and Charlton Hesston.
Kevin is also an avid Science Fiction fan and has written his first trivia book on Sci-Fi called "The Great Science Fiction Trivia Quiz Book". Kevin's most recent project is a movie script called "What Could Go Wrong?" which is based on his forthcoming novel "Memoirs of a Small Town DJ".
Kevin has been a radio announcer since he was fourteen years old when he started working at the local college radio station, from there he moved on to his hometown radio station of WHOU radio, Houlton, Maine. Kevin has been a DJ in Maine, Florida and California.
Kevin's most popular radio show was "Legends of Rock" which he produced and hosted during 2003 - 2007. This was a show that profiled classic rock stars. The show was broadcast on the "American Radio Network" and heard world wide on the web through KCLA-FM.com.

Source: elvisnews.com
Alt Alt 04.01.2009, 09:34
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Alt 04.01.2009, 09:49
Benutzerbild von burroughs
burroughs burroughs ist offline
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das - für mich - einzig interessante könnte der teil sein, in dem es um die filme ÜBER elvis geht
und welcher WAR el´s erster film, wenn NICHT *pulverdampf und heisse lieder*
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
Alt 04.01.2009, 09:55
Benutzerbild von Didi
Didi Didi ist offline
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Zitat von burroughs Beitrag anzeigen
und welcher WAR el´s erster film, wenn NICHT *pulverdampf und heisse lieder*
Wer es wissen will, muss sich wohl das Buch kaufen!

absent, book, friends

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