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Alt 23.01.2007, 04:34
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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Plans for Elvis Cirque Du Soleil show canceled?

Plans for Elvis Cirque Du Soleil show canceled?
There are a lot of rumours in the Las Vegas entertainment industry that say that the cooperation between Cirque Du Soleil and EPE has come to an end. A few months ago, it was officialy announced that Cirque is developing a show that is dedicated to Elvis. The premiere was planned for 2009, at the same time that the MGM City Center that is under construction is finished. None of the company's will confirm the rumours.

publicatiedatum: 23-01-2007, 00:18
Alt Alt 23.01.2007, 04:34
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Alt 25.01.2007, 08:52
MARIE MARIE ist offline
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MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%MARIE Renommee-Level 36%
ELVIS AND CIRQUE STILL ON!!!: (see earlier story dated 23 Jan 2007) Luxe Life is always happy to clear up misinformation when it comes to rampant rumors. We finally got word from Cirque officials about our story on Monday about the rumored breakup of the Elvis/Cirque du Soleil deal for their proposed joint 2009 show at City Center and we're happy to now tell you Elvis and Cirque are still together! Our friends at Cirque advised: "Regarding the Cirque du Soleil Elvis production at City Center, just to let you know all systems are go with that project, so the rumors you heard were incorrect." (News, Source: Vegas Pop)

canceled, cirque, plans, show, soleil

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