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Alt 30.06.2009, 12:12
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Elvis, the beauty queen & me

Forth-coming DVD to include UNSEEN Elvis footage!

It's been a year in the making, but we are almost ready to release Elvis, The Beauty Queen & Me, with Jeanne LeMay.
The majority of this DVD was filmed during Jeanne's trip to the UK last year. She was filmed talking candidly about her time with Elvis at Graceland, on tour and in Vegas. She openly discusses how she was able to enjoy a close relationship with Elvis through her friendship with Linda Thompson, how she became a secretary at Graceland and what went on there.
Her memories of those times are funny, fascinating and extremely riveting. Jeanne is a great talker and her warmth comes across beautifully in the programme.

Over the past few months we have been lucky enough to have tracked down and acquired some STUNNING new 1974 cini film of Elvis, still on the original reels!!! Myself and David Wilson have been working hard on having the reels digitally transferred and restored.
The speed has now been expertly corrected, the picture quality has been enhanced and the brightness and colour has been worked on enabling us to now offer the footage in virtually perfect quality.

So, what is the footage of?

You'll get to see Elvis in Vegas during his August 29th 1974 midnight show, September 1st dinner show and the infamous September 2nd closing show (wearing the beautiful Tiger jumpsuit). There's lots of karate on these clips with Red West coming on stage at one point. Elvis even knocks poor Charlie on his backside... Amazing stuff!

There will also be some 1973 footage shot at Graceland. This includes the gates, the grounds, up at the mansion itself and the pool area. This is NOT the poor quality Dutch footage that has been doing the rounds for years, but new footage taken from the reels and restored by us. This is TV quality material.

We are also extremely excited to tell you that we have been restoring some AMAZING footage (running for a staggering 13 minutes) of Elvis in Kansas City, Missouri on the evening of June 29th 1974. This is the most beautiful clear, close-up footage that we've seen in a long, long time with Elvis wearing the fantastic Embroidered Eagle jumpsuit.

Here is an indication of how the restoration process is going...

This incredible DVD is a GREAT price (compared to other similar DVDs released over the last few years) and will be officially released on August 15th, where we will have a worldwide premier at our Let Yourself Go! event in Worthing, Sussex.

2009/06/29 Andrew Hearn - www.essentialelvis.com / www.epgold.com
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Alt 31.07.2009, 20:14
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Final Editing On Jeanne LeMay DVD Being Done...

Andrew Hearn with filmmaker Peter Bluck putting the final edits to Jeanne LeMay's DVD, Elvis, The Beauty Queen & Me.

In addition to Jeanne's incredible story, you'll also enjoy some NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN footage (taken directly from the reels and digitally cleaned) of Elvis on stage in 1973 and '74.

These screen grabs are actually from the DVD. Elvis was shot on stage during his evening show in Kansas City, Missouri on June 29th 1974.

2009/07/27 Andrew Hearn - www.essentialelvis.com / www.epgold.com
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Alt 18.09.2009, 10:02
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Solte nachste woche kommen, info von Elvis Australia.
Alt 18.09.2009, 17:26
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Trailer Elvis The Beauty Queen & Me On the link below, you can watch the trailer for the DVD Elvis The Beauty Queen & Me that will come out in the first week of October. It has been a year in the making: the first volume of Elvis, The Beauty Queen & Me, with Jeanne LeMay. The majority of this DVD was filmed during Jeanne's trip to the UK last year. She was captured talking candidly about her time with Elvis at Graceland, on tour and in Vegas. She openly discusses how she was able to enjoy a close relationship with Elvis through her friendship with Linda Thompson, how she became a secretary at Graceland and what went on during those years. Her memories of those times are funny, fascinating and extremely riveting. Jeanne is a great talker and her warmth comes across beautifully in this 80-minute programme.

As an extra, included is STUNNING new 1974 8mm film of Elvis. The producers have been working hard on having the reels digitally transferred and restored. The speed is expertly corrected, the picture quality has been enhanced and the brightness and colour has been re-worked enabling them to offer the footage in virtually perfect quality.

This will be amongst the best quality amateur footage that you've ever seen of Elvis on stage.

For the first time you'll get to see 1974 Vegas footage captured during Elvis' August 29th 1974 midnight show, September 1st dinner show and the infamous September 2nd closing show (wearing the beautiful Man Tiger jumpsuit). There's lots of karate on these clips with Red West coming on stage at one point to help Elvis with his belt and karate gi. Elvis even knocks poor Charlie Hodge on his backside during a length kata... Amazing stuff!

There is also be some 1973 footage shot at Graceland. This includes a glimpse the gates, the grounds, the mansion itself and the pool area. This is NOT the poor quality Dutch footage that has been doing the rounds for years, but brand new footage taken from the reels and restored by us. This is TV quality material.

We are also extremely excited to tell you that we have been restoring some SUPERB footage (running for a staggering 13 minutes) of Elvis in Kansas City, Missouri on the evening of June 29th 1974. This is the most beautiful clear, close-up footage that we've seen in a long, long time with Elvis wearing the fantastic Embroidered Eagle jumpsuit.

This 100% legal DVD is a great price (compared to other similar DVDs released over the last few years). This is a factory pressed CD (not DVD-R) with a professionally printed colour cover & insert and each DVD will arrive individually shrink-wrapped.

Watch the trailer Order this item
Published: september 18th 2009 10:22 AM.
Source: shopElvis.eu / Published by: ElvisMatters - David Hamal . Reproduction of this news item is granted, on condition of reference to the source: www.elvismatters.com.
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Alt 08.10.2009, 15:53
Benutzerbild von Schorni
Schorni Schorni ist offline

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So, gerade geschaut. Diese DVD enthält:

Ca: 60min Interview mit Jeanne LeMay. Zwischendurch werden Bilder und kurze S8- Footage eingeblendet. Aber alles bekannt.

Bonusmaterial. Genau das, weswegen ich mir die DVD kaufte. Überarbeitete und verbesserte Super 8 Footage aus 74.

1) 13 min. aus Kansas City, 29.6. Evening Show - Das bekannte Material, nur jetzt in wirklich guter Bildqualität und leider OHNE TON!!! Obwohl im Trailer auf Youtube (Restoration Sample von Elvis The Beauty Queen & Me) natürlich der Orginalton zu hören ist und auch darüber gesprochen wird, das AUCH der Ton verbessert wurde. Verarsche? Natürlich, was sonst.

2) 1 min aus Las Vegas CS : Elvis von weiter weg und mit Praytomscher Klaviermusik unterlegt.

3) 2 min aus Las Vegas DS : Diesmal mit Orginalton. Man sieht 30sek. von Polk Salad und danach - interessant, Ed Parker kommt auf die Bühne und hilft Elvis in seine Karatejacke- gibt Elvis noch den King of Karate.

Dann gibt es noch einen 3 min. Clip von einigen Holländern, die Graceland 73 besuchten und auch auf das Grundstück gelassen wurden. Elvis schaute allerdings nicht um die Ecke. :traurig:

Fazit: Wer mir 16.90 € inkl. Porto überweist, dem schicke ich diese DVD gern zu. Sehr interessant, das.
Meine Meinung steht fest, bitte irritieren Sie mich nicht mit neuen Tatsachen!
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Alt 08.10.2009, 15:57
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burroughs burroughs ist offline
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den holländer-clip haben wir aber auch auf der bonus-dvd des *images*-buch´s

na prima.. 13 min in guter quali mit OHNE ton
Hinweis in eigener Sache:
wenn du glaubst, dass ich mich dir gegenüber wie ein Arschloch verhalte, kannst du ziemlich sicher sein, dass du es verdient hast
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Alt 08.10.2009, 21:54
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Heut bekommen aber noch nicht gekuckt. Bin dan mahl gespant was auf vol 2 noch kommt. Vielleicht der ton was sie hier nicht haben
Alt 09.10.2009, 04:12
phyllis phyllis ist offline
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Jeanne Lemay DVD

I hope it is better than her book.

PS can anyone respond in English gee i am not fluent in German haha
Zitat von PatrickVaals Beitrag anzeigen
Trailer Elvis The Beauty Queen & Me On the link below,

Geändert von cos (09.10.2009 um 11:48 Uhr) Grund: Fullquote entfernt.....
Alt 09.10.2009, 07:45
PatrickVaals PatrickVaals ist offline
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Well, in short the dvd is not what expected. The extra's aren't what they promised. Sure you get beautifull remastered footage but no sound, as stated in the you tube clip. The rest are short films from about a minute.
Alt 09.10.2009, 15:07
vonSemering vonSemering ist offline
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Schön, wie es aussieht kann ich mir echt das Geld sparen.

beauty, elvis, queen

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