Film version of Lamar Fike story

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    • 11.01.2005
    • 4957

    Film version of Lamar Fike story

    Film version of Lamar Fike story: Dallas-based LAMAR FIKE, the key member of Elvis Presley’s famed Memphis Mafia, who formally started up his own Drawbridge Productions in February, is now putting the finishing touches on the accompanying screenplay to his forthcoming book FIKE: AN UNCOMMON JOURNEY ON ELVIS PRESLEY BOULEVARD, written with best-selling celebrity-author Mark Bego, titled “ONE OF THE BOYS; ‘57 TO 60’.”

    The screenplay was written by Fike, Bego, and filmmaker D. Edward Stanley. Drawbridge Productions was formalized to bring under one umbrella Fike’s many productions as well as to contain all his ‘intellectual properties’ pertaining to his Presley-related projects in the works.

    Says Fike, “There are several ongoing projects and I now to have them all under the Drawbridge umbrella, makes prefect sense.” Fike formed the company with his business partner Taylor G. Atha. Having now finished the screenplay, Fike says that his LA-based agent has already begun shopping it with immediate positive results coming in.

    “We want the right type of deal for it … with someone who can effectively get the job done. I look at the finished product, now having been able to take a step or two back, as something that deserves to be on told on film. There’s never been an accurate rending of the Elvis-story, and truth be told, it’s long overdue. So, when we get to the point of putting the film in production, we want it done the right way.” Fike continues, “It’s funny … we wrote the book first, but the screenplay almost wrote itself. We realized during the creation, that again, it is a great story … and, it’s one that’s never been told before and deserves to be.”

    Fike is also provisionally on board as a talent judge for a new television show to be produced later this year in the U.S. … enabling him to not only seriously put himself out there again in the public eye, but to appear as a credible force in the business.

    “I’ve logged quite a bit of time in this entertainment business, working for talented people like Elvis, Brenda Lee, Johnny Cash, and, record company executive Jimmy Bowen, but I’ve been a bit under the radar. I’m ready to step up to the plate!” (Celluloid, Source: